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Soobin opened his dorm door after hearing a knock on it. When he did so, he was met with Yeonjun smiling at him. "Hey Soobin."

"Oh, hi. Beomgyu isn't here, he's out with Jongseok." Soobin had a hard time saying that asshole's name. He barely knows Jongseok and already despises him.

Yeonjun made a disappointed face, acting as if he didn't already know that. He didn't come here for Beomgyu, he came here for Soobin. "Oh... well then, maybe you want to hang out with me? If you're not busy, of course."

Soobin thought about it for a second. It's not like he had anything better to do. All his school work was done and he'd already studied before. "Sure, come in."

Yeonjun grinned to himself as he entered the dorm. The two of them have never really been alone together. He was kind of nervous, since he finds Soobin to be a little intimidating at times.

"What do you want to do?" Soobin asked after he closed the door.

"Do you maybe want to go out and get ice cream?"

Soobin perked up at the mention of his favorite food, ice cream. "Sure! I'll just put my shoes on." Yeonjun giggled and nodded.

"Thank you." Soobin smiled at the woman behind the counter as he received his chocolate chip ice cream. Yeonjun had mint chocolate ice cream and hummed at the taste.

The two were about to leave the café when Soobin spotted something— or well, someone. There sat Beomgyu, with Jongseok. They were laughing while eating and it made Soobin's blood boil.

He had to fight everything in him to not storm over there and shove his ice cream in Jongseok's face.

"Oh, there's Beomgyu," Yeonjun pointed out. "They're kind of cute."

Soobin couldn't disagree more. "Yeah," he said with a fake chuckle. What does that stupid junior have that I don't? "Hey uhm, do you want to go to the park to finish our ice creams?"

Yeonjun turned back to the taller with a wide smile. "Yes, sure."

"I don't like professor Lee. He takes any chance he gets to humiliate his students." Yeonjun frowned at his own statement. Him and Soobin were chatting about some things while finishing off their ice creams. The current topic was school.

"Right? He thinks he's so funny."

Yeonjun chuckled and nodded in agreement. He then looked over at Soobin, giggling when he saw that he had some ice cream on the corner of his mouth. The thought of Soobin being intimidating was completely washed out of Yeonjun's mind after today.

"You have something here," the older said, wiping the ice cream away with his thumb.

"Oh, thanks..."

Yeonjun didn't pull away from Soobin's face once they were close. Was it too soon to kiss him? Was it weird to kiss him after they hung out once?

All those questions didn't need to be answered when Yeonjun suddenly felt a pair of lips on his own.

guys i have 3 concerts planned for this year and i'm so excited!!! i just wanted to share cuz i have no one to tell LMAO

tysm for reading this, ily.

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