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"Soobin, can we cuddle?" Beomgyu asked, standing by his roommate's bed. The older almost jumped with excitement, but stayed cool.

"Of course... is something wrong?"

The younger nodded as he got under the covers with Soobin. He wrapped his arms around Soobin, letting out a huff. The older carefully wrapped his own arms around the other as well.

"You can tell me, if you want."

"Jongseok and I are in another argument," Beomgyu said with another sigh.

"Oh. What happened?"

"We went out with his friend Minhyuk and that dude kept... flirting with me? He's weird. And Jongseok didn't even mind." He frowned, thinking back. "Then when I told him about it after, he said that it wasn't true. He said that just because I'm 'gorgeous' that doesn't mean everybody's into me."

Soobin frowned, "so he didn't believe you?"

Beomgyu hummed. "Isn't that kind of mean?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry, but he seems like an ass." Soobin tried being polite, but only he knew how much be already despised Jongseok.

The younger let out a chuckle and shuffled closer to the other if that's possible. Soobin's cheeks painted red, but Beomgyu didn't pay any mind to it.

"Don't be sorry. I'm honestly not sure if I even want him as my boyfriend at this point. Not just because of this, but he lacks some qualities that I do really want in a boyfriend."

The younger's pout made Soobin chuckle. "Then break up. You've got enough time to find someone who's ideal for you."

Me, Gyu. I'm right here!

Beomgyu let out a sigh, "you're right... but I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"What about your own feelings?"

The younger thought for a moment. His feelings were hurt right now which was Jongseok's fault. And it's not the first time.

Beomgyu sighed and puffed out his cheeks, making the older laugh. "Whatever, I don't want to think about it too much."

"Okay." Soobin let out a faint chuckle and held Beomgyu, the slight blush not leaving his cheeks.

Not too long after, Beomgyu was soundly asleep. Soobin couldn't sleep that easily. He had his crush laying in his arms, again. Soobin honestly wanted to stay awake all night just to experience the moment. But it was too comfortable and he fell asleep too.

Currently, Yeonjun, Soobin and Beomgyu were all at the mall. Yeonjun insisted that Beomgyu would come, even if the younger didn't want to bother the couple on their date.

Soobin was more than happy over the fact that Beomgyu was tagging along. Though he didn't show it that much.

Beomgyu was all caught up with Jongseok, feeling anxious on what he should do about his boyfriend. Yeonjun felt like his best friend needed to relief some stress by spending some money even if they didn't have much to spend.

"But this would look so cute on you!" The oldest cheered to the youngest of the three.

Beomgyu grabbed the cardigan out of Yeonjun's hands and put it back in it's place, "the price tag doesn't look so cute." He chuckled and didn't like the cardigan all that much either.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes, "fine." The male's eyes then widened and he gasped as his eyes traveled to another item of clothing Beomgyu didn't need.

Soobin giggled at Beomgyu trying to escape Yeonjun's grip, but failing in the end.

The three boys were now at a café — instead of eating "regular dinner food," the trio decided to skip that and just go straight to dessert.

On Soobin's treat, which the other two cheered at.

Beomgyu offered to go to the front and order and such. Yeonjun watched Soobin while the younger watched Beomgyu walk away with a soft smile on his face. It made Yeonjun smile.

"Hey babe?" Yeonjun called out, making his boyfriend turn his head to him.


"I really hope you don't mind that I brought Beomgyu here... Jongseok is just annoying me at this point." He let out a chuckle, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Of course not, Beomgyu's my... friend, I'd say." Soobin smiled, but then frowned, "and honestly same. Beomgyu told me a bit more about him the other night... he doesn't seem so interesting."

The older nodded, agreeing. "I thought he was very nice at first, but Beomgyu's been complaining more and more about him recently."

Soobin cocked an eyebrow. Of course him and Beomgyu have grown to be friends overtime, but still not best friends. He doesn't know everything about the younger — in fact, not all that much.

"But it's his life and his boyfriend," Yeonjun then added with a sigh. He's there to help his friend, but he can't speak or think for Beomgyu.

"I'm back!" Beomgyu then cheered, coming back with a tray of food and drinks.

Yeonjun and Soobin's eyes practically sparkled at the desserts. Beomgyu chuckled and giggled when the older two digged in.

heyoooo I hope you liked this chapter! thank you so so soooo much for reading! I really love reading your comments hahahah <3

my finals week is next week and I haven't started studying yet haha I'm so lol-ing 🥰 (hate myself for it)

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