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Soobin could cry at the amount of happiness he got from waking up next to Beomgyu, his boyfriend. He also could cry at the fact he's now officially dating the Choi Beomgyu, something he'd never thought he'd achieve in life.

Soobin was tracing the outlines of Beomgyu's features which made the other wake up.

"Mmph- Soob, what are you doing?" He asked with a chuckle, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

The older laughed at Beomgyu squinting his eyes to look at him. "Nothing, go back to sleep."


Soobin chuckled. "Okay, then don't."

"How long have you been up for?"

"A couple minutes, don't worry."

Beomgyu hummed and rolled over to lay on top of Soobin on his back. "There's a party tonight. Want to go? It's at Hongjoong's so it'll be fun."

Soobin bit his lip, wanting to decline. "I don't know... the last party we went to lead to a lot of trouble," he said, kind of using it as an excuse. He just didn't want to waste his night with another dumb party that he wouldn't even enjoy.

"I guess, but it also lead to this!" The younger exclaimed, pointing back and forth between the both of them. "Come on, we haven't been in a while."

Soobin sighed. "Fine, but then you have to make breakfast!"

"Tch... okay, your majesty." Beomgyu chuckled and stood up from the bed, jokingly blowing a kiss before leaving to the other side of the dorm to make breakfast.

Soobin giggled as he watched Beomgyu try his absolute best to prepare a proper meal. Even if Soobin thought he wasn't good enough for Beomgyu, he doesn't care enough to worry. If Beomgyu would only pretend to love him he could live with that, because moments like these genuinely brought him so much joy.

He's all I need.

Beomgyu entered Hongjoong's family home with a smile while holding his boyfriend's hand who sighed with no emotion whatsoever. He wasn't very excited.

"There you are!" Mingi suddenly appeared, smiling at the pair and hugging Beomgyu. "You're too late though. Some girl just flashed everyone and broke the table while doing so."

Beomgyu laughed and watched Mingi's phone with the recording of the girl that was already spreading.

"And she was sober too." He then grabbed Beomgyu's arm and dragged him along, making Soobin be dragged along as well. "Have a drink. Hongjoong said he mixed some good shit with it."

Beomgyu was about to take a sip, but Soobin snatched the plastic cup out of his hand. "Are you insane?! You don't know what that 'good shit' is!"

"I bet it's not poison." The younger laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Don't be so uptight, we're at a party!"

"Uptight? Gyu, I'm being careful and reasonable. Come on, let's go dance instead."

Soobin sighed and dragged Beomgyu to the livingroom where a lot of people were drunkenly dancing.

"Soob, you don't have to be my guard." Beomgyu chuckled and leaned up to kiss his boyfriend.

"I'm not, I'm being your boyfriend."

"Okay. Then I'm happy."

They were laughing while dancing together, but still noticed the way other people were dancing so... sexually. "What the hell? What are they all even doing?" Beomgyu laughed.

After a couple minutes, some of Beomgyu's friends had walked up to him and they were busy in a conversation. Soobin felt a little left out, but tried not to show it too much. He tapped his boyfriend on the shoulder, "I'm going to the bathroom real quick."


Soobin rolled his eyes when he walked off. This was just like every other party: boring. He had to step over some people who were making out to get to the stairs and then to the bathroom.

People do their thing at parties, but he's never seen this much of it.

While he was walking, a clearly horny girl came up to him and desperately tried to make out with him. "The fuck?" The girl was definitely drunk, so he just pushed her off.

"What's in this?" Beomgyu asked, holding a plastic cup in his hands that his friends gave him.

Sunwoo shrugged his shoulders. "Hongjoong said some good, strong shit, so I'm assuming very strong alcohol or whatever. Everyone's drinking it, so it should be fine?"

"Yeah, no one's dying yet!" Sangyeon exclaimed, taking a sip from his own cup.

Beomgyu chuckled and took a sip too... eventually drinking the entire cup till it was empty. After a little bit, he started to feel funny. His clothes were feeling like someone was pushing him down and he wanted them off. It was getting too hot around him. His friends seemed to have similar reactions, but Beomgyu had already walked off.

When Soobin returned, Beomgyu was nowhere to be found. "Hey, where'd Gyu go?"

Sunwoo stumbled a bit while shrugging his shoulders, throwing his arms around Soobin. "Dunno. I feel funny, will you help me?"

Soobin widened his eyes. He could feel Sunwoo's boner against him. He pushed him which caused him to fall to the ground.

He looked everywhere downstairs for Beomgyu, but couldn't find him. He quickly went upstairs, opening every room he passed. He didn't care he walked in on multiple people having sex.

When he entered the right room, his heart broke at the sight.

"Nooo I don't wan' to!" Beomgyu slurred, his clothes being removed by some buff guy who he didn't know.

"Your actions say otherwise, cutie."

Beomgyu was trying to push him off, but with no success. Soobin almost had steam coming out of his nose when he walked towards them and pushed the guy off. Beomgyu would scream if he could, but it didn't come out.

"Who the fuck—"

Soobin knew he'd never win an actual fight against this guy. He just kicked him in the face when he had the chance and picked Beomgyu up, leaving the room.

He went outside with the younger, ignoring all the noise around him. "Are you okay?! How'd you end up there?! Who's that guy?!" He asked once they were further outside.

"I dunno... help me, please?" He rubbed himself against Soobin which had now happened too many times in one night for the older.

"Gyu, did you drink that weird shit Hongjoong mixed together?"

The younger nodded, laying his head on Soobin's shoulder while basically grinding up against him. Soobin groaned and stopped him by holding him still.

"Help me, please..."

"No, you're going to wait this out."

"Soob~ don't be mean!"

"Sorry Gyu, I'm not trying to be." Soobin sighed and went back to their dorm, immediately tucking Beomgyu tightly in his bed. "Sleep, you need it."

"I don't want to! Soobin, please~"

"Beomgyu, please go to sleep..."

"Nooo~" Soobin groaned and covered Beomgyu's eyes with his hand. The younger gasped and tried to look around. "Soobie?" The intoxicated boy slurred out. His lips trembled and he was about to cry.

"No no, I'm here!" Soobin chuckled and accepted Beomgyu's hug, rubbing his back. "I'm sorry."

Beomgyu laughed, to Soobin's relief, and pulled away. The younger laid back down and tucked himself in this time, even though he struggled a bit. "I love you!" He said, a drunk giggle leavings his mouth.

Soobin's eyes widened. He didn't say anything as Beomgyu turned around and quickly fell asleep.

He loves me..?

FINALLY AN UPDATE!!!! This chapter might seem out of place?? I had a plan for it but I forgot but I don't want to rewrite a whole new chapter so now I'm just winging it. Sorry lmaooo T~T

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