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Soobin contained the urge to roll his eyes when he opened his dorm door and was met with Jongseok. "Oh, hello. You're here for Beomgyu, I'm guessing?"

"Hi. Yeah, I am." Jongseok politely smiled as he was let into the dorm room. He saw Beomgyu laying in his bed, typing something on his laptop. "Beomgyu?"

The said boy looked up and he did roll his eyes at the sight of the older, unlike Soobin. Soobin noticed and was surprised, but definitely amused.

"What do you want?"

"Look, Beomgyu, I'm really sorry. I was drunk... I know it's not an excuse. I don't know what happened, I hope you can forgive me."

Soobin acted as if he was doing some work, but he was obviously listening in on the conversation. What had Jongseok done at that party? If he hurt Beomgyu, this will be the last time he'll ever see daylight again.

"I hope so too," Beomgyu honestly said. "But for now, I'm still upset with you, Jongseok."

"Okay, I understand. I got you these, by the way." Jongseok handed Beomgyu a plastic basket which contained Beomgyu's favorite food: strawberries. The younger accepted it, but didn't thank him. "Bye then."

When Jongseok left the dorm, Beomgyu let out a sigh and placed the strawberries on his nightstand.

"...Did something happen between you guys?" Soobin carefully asked, making Beomgyu look up.

"Yeah, but it's no big deal."

"Okay." Just tell me, Gyu.

Yeonjun tightly held onto Soobin's arm as the couple wandered through the shopping mall. Yeonjun had requested to go there, which Soobin agreed to.

Yeonjun dragged Soobin to one of his favorite stores. The older was right now looking through all the cute skirts. He was holding one with a black, white and pink checkered print on it.

"Isn't this one cute, Soob?"

"Yeah, it is." That would look so cute on Beomgyu.

Yeonjun smiled at his boyfriend in delight. He was already head over heels for Soobin. If only Soobin felt the same way.

The two walked out of the store, Soobin carrying a bag with items that Yeonjun had bought. "Yeonjun, what are you doing here?" An excited voice yelled out. The said male looked up and saw two of his friends, Taehyun and Kai, walking up to the couple.

The voice belonged to Kai. Soobin didn't know these two people, but they did know Soobin. Of course Yeonjun had bragged to them about his amazing boyfriend.

Yeonjun and Soobin were holding hands and Soobin fit the description that Yeonjun gave them.

"Shopping, duh. Soobie, these are Taehyun and Kai, my pet dogs."

"Hi, nice to meet you," Taehyun said to Soobin, ignoring Yeonjun's dog comment. Kai gave the oldest a look before greeting Soobin as well.

"Yeonjun can't stop talking about you, I can see why now!" Kai cheered, smiling at the slightly taller boy.

Soobin kindly smiled at them, flustered at the youngest's words.

"We're gonna get something to eat, you guys want to join?" Taehyun asked, glancing at the couple.

Yeonjun looked up at Soobin, silently asking if he wanted to. "Sure," the younger answered.

"Okay! Kai's paying," Taehyun exclaimed. The younger groaned and watched as Taehyun skipped ahead of them. Yeonjun chuckled at him and trailed behind the two youngests, never letting go of his boyfriend's hand.

Yeonjun and Soobin stood in front of Yeonjun's dorm room. The older stood on his toes and kissed Soobin, pulling away after with a wide smile. He honestly had such a pretty smile.

"I had a great day with you today."

"Me too," Soobin replied. It wasn't a lie, he had fun.

The two bid their goodbyes before Yeonjun entered his dorm and Soobin set off to his own. As soon as Yeonjun was inside his dorm and saw that his roommate wasn't there, he squealed and ran to his bed.

The boy emptied his shopping bags and immediately tried everything on once again, just for fun. He felt so pretty in the clothes and accessories he'd bought. Plus, he was extra happy with them, because he bought them with Soobin.

He's everything I've ever wanted and needed.

ALL I WANT - soogyuWhere stories live. Discover now