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Soobin was at a lecture while Beomgyu was all alone in the dorm. He remembers everything from the night at the party and God, he's embarrassed and confused.

"You're so loveable, too loveable. I love you..."

Not only did Beomgyu try to kiss Soobin, but he also found out that Soobin loves him. But he's with Yeonjun..? What the fuck..? But what bothered Beomgyu most was that he didn't mind.

He liked the fact that Soobin was into him and now wondered if he should confront him about it? But at the same time, he'd never ever in his life want to hurt his best friend.

"Gyu!" Yeonjun's voice called out from outside the dorm. The said boy went to open the door and was pulled into a hug by his best friend. "I missed you!"

"Ah... hi Jun."

Yeonjun pulled away with a weird face, "you don't seem excited to see me..?"

"I am! Sorry, I'm just tired... and kind of stressed. Anyways, hi, how was it at your parents' house?" Beomgyu painted a pretty smile on his face and dragged Yeonjun inside.

The older smiled as well. "It was fine. We didn't do anything special, just being at home. And you?"

"Uh... no, nothing. Just school."

Soobin and Beomgyu were quiet while preparing dinner together. It was simple, just ramen.

Soobin thought that Beomgyu didn't remember anything from when he was drunk. He was kind of awkward, because Beomgyu expressed his attraction towards Soobin.

Beomgyu still remembers everything and he's awkward, because he literally got a love confession from Soobin, but Soobin doesn't know that he knows.

And then there's poor Yeonjun who's completely clueless.

What a fun time.

Beomgyu was trying to get a bowl from the cabinet, but it was all the way in the back. He's tall, but not tall enough for that. He sighed and turned around to ask Soobin for help, but he ended up bumping into the older's chest.

"I got it."

Beomgyu's face immediately grew bright red. "Thank you..." Soobin was about to step away, but Beomgyu grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"...anything else?"

Beomgyu couldn't resist and he didn't hear the voice in his head that was telling him to stop when he stood on his toes and pressed his lips onto Soobin's.

The kiss lasted a couple of seconds. Soobin pulled away once he realized what was going on. Yes, he immediately regretted pulling away.

Beomgyu's eyes widened and he covered his mouth. "I'm- oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Before the older could reply, Beomgyu ran off into the bathroom.

Short chapter, sorry :,)

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