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Jongseok was walking to his dorm and about to turn a corner when he saw Beomgyu standing in front of someone's room, probably waiting for them. He took a couple steps back and took out his phone.

He then proceeded to act like he was on a phone call with Yeonjun. "Yes, Yeonjun, of course I'll be there. Don't worry about it, I'm on my way," he spoke 'over the phone' which obviously caught Beomgyu's attention.

Beomgyu's eyes followed his ex boyfriend as he continued walking, pretending to not have seen the younger. What's Yeonjun doing with Jongseok?

"I'm ready!" Mingi, Beomgyu's friend, yelled as he finally came out of his dorm. The younger didn't respond so Mingi tapped his shoulder. "Hello? Are you alright, Beomgyu?"

"Oh- yes, I'm alright. Let's go!" The two began walking to a karaoke bar. Mingi was going with his friend who was bringing someone else, so he invited Beomgyu since he knows Beomgyu's good with making new friends. "Who's coming again?"

"My friend Yunho. He's bringing someone else too, but I don't know them."

They were the first ones to arrive there. They just went to their room and ordered drinks, waiting for the other two.

"Yunho just texted me. They're here!"

Beomgyu perked up at that, excited to meet whoever was going to come through that door.

His smile immediately fell when he saw Yeonjun next to this stranger. And Yeonjun had the same reaction.

"Mingi, hi!" Yunho greeted, hugging his friend. He then turned to look at Beomgyu with a fond smile. "And you are..?"

"Beomgyu?!" Yeonjun interrupted, stepping closer to his... ex friend. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I was invited for karaoke?"

Yeonjun turned to look at Yunho with wide eyes. "I didn't know he'd be here too."

"I didn't either..? Why, is he a problem?" Yunho seemed so worried as he shot Beomgyu glare who gulped at the taller.

Yeonjun didn't want to ruin this night for Yunho or his friend so he just sighed. "No, I'm sorry. I'm Yeonjun, nice to meet you," he said to Mingi.

They all sat down and had a couple of drinks before choosing their first song. Yeonjun and Beomgyu hadn't talked to each other as the first song already began. It was 'Let it go' from Frozen and Yeonjun and Mingi sang their hearts out. They basically screamed into their microphones.

The other two laughed at them but also sang along.

Yeonjun pretended to be Elsa and Mingi made rhe special effects sounds of ice.

They did multiple songs as a group where Yeonjun and Beomgyu didn't pay much mind to each other.

When 'Chewing Gum' from nct came on, Yunho and Mingi did a duet. They even did part of the choreo which made the other two laugh since they looked ridiculous. "You guys should do a duet as well!" Mingi said to the two youngest boys.

"I don't know..."

"Come on! Go pick out a song," Yunho said to Yeonjun. The younger hesitated but went with it. He decided on 'Idol' by bts since both him and Beomgyu love them and would always watch their music videos together when they were in high school.

They were a little awkward but stood next to each other either way and began singing... and they ended up having lots of fun together like they were in high school again.

Beomgyu did Jimin's part and Yeonjun was his background dancer. The other two cheered them on and sang along without their microphones.

They ended up doing multiple bts songs together and had an absolute blast.

Eventually their fun night had come to an end. They all had to walk back to the same place so of course they went together. At first Yunho and Yeonjun were leading the way together, but Yeonjun excused himself and went up to Beomgyu.

"Hey uhm... can we talk?"

Yunho and Mingi shot each other a glance before going to walk next to each other, them now leading the way.

"I had a lot of fun with you tonight," Beomgyu said.

The other chuckled. "Me too... I've missed you, actually."

"You did?"


"I... Yeonjun, I need to apologize again. I did something horrible to you. You don't have to forgive me just because we had fun today. I'm sorry, seriously."

Yeonjun nodded. He did agree. "I know you did something bad, but it's the first thing you've ever done to hurt me in all these years that we've known each other. It's not enough for me to dislike you."

Beomgyu looked down with a small smile. He thought Yeonjun hated him.

"I'm sad you kissed my boyfriend, but I forgive you."

"What, why so easily?"

"I don't like being angry, I'd rather forgive you. So it's not for you, it's for me."

The younger nodded, "good."

It was silent for few seconds, the both of them realizing what's going on. "I saw the pictures Soobin posted on instagram too," Yeonjun then said. "I guess that made me realize that I wasn't really upset about everything that happened anymore. I realized that I wish I broke it off sooner with Soobin."

"Huh why?"

"I really did love and care for him, but he never did that much for me. He never went to my dorm unless it was for sex. I'm pretty sure he even said your name once while making out. I guess it was always clear he loved you and not me."

"He did what?!"

"Yeah," Yeonjun said with a bitter chuckle. "At the time I believed him when he said he didn't, but now knowing he was always in love with you I'm pretty sure he did."

"Oh my God... Jun, that's horrible!"

"I guess. Does he treat you better though?"

Beomgyu blushed. "You could say that..."

"Are you in love with him? Be honest."

"Yeonjun, I—"

"Don't worry, I won't be hurt."

The younger bit his lip for a second, thinking about it. "Yeah, I think so. He's way different from Jongseok. He was a total jerk. Soobin's very sweet and patient and he gets jealous too," he said with a chuckle.

Yeonjun chuckled as well. "Jongseok has been wanting to hang out with me a lot ever since it all happened. He says it's too distract me, but he always wants to go to places you go to. I think he's either trying to make you jealous or to replace you."

"Oh, about that! Weren't you supposed to meet up with Jongseok tonight? I heard him talking on the phone..."

"No..? I didn't talk to him at all today. He's annoying."

"So he faked that?"

"I guess so..."

The two of them laughed and connected their arms together, continuing a random conversation. Yunho and Mingi had listened to the two, now finally understanding just a little bit from what was going on.

Yeongyu woohooo

Is there anything you guys wanna see in this story? Anything specific. It could be anything!!! I'm not sure if I'll be able to include it lol but who knows.

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