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"That waiter even gave me his number and Jongseok just sat there! He didn't do or say anything. He wasn't bothered by it at all!" Beomgyu ranted to his friend, feeling very frustrated.

"I know we're not dating or anything, but shouldn't he be jealous either way?" Beomgyu looked over at Yeonjun when he didn't get a response. "Hello? Yeonjun, are you listening?"

Yeonjun snapped out of his trance and looked back at the younger. "Yes, I'm sorry."

"Is something on your mind?"

Yeonjun bit his lip before looking down again with a smile. "When you went on your day, I asked Soobin to hang out with me. We had alot of fun... and he kissed me."

Beomgyu's eyes widened before he broke out in a bright smile. He stood up and shook his best friend's shoulders, nearly screaming. "I told you he'd fall for you! How was it?"

Yeonjun laughed, "it was nice..? It didn't last very long."

Soobin smiled at the two boys sitting on Beomgyu's bed. Yeonjun was excited when Soobin came back into the dorm, but didn't show it. "Hi Soobin," Yeonjun said with a wide smile painted on his face.

Beomgyu grinned, side-eyeing his friend and nudging his side.

Soobin didn't feel the same amount of excitement when he saw the older. He was just happy to see Beomgyu.

The tallest went into the bathroom — as soon as he was gone, Beomgyu turned to Yeonjun. "I can leave if you want."

"What- no! It'll be awkward if you're not here."

"Oh, please." Beomgyu chuckled and rolled his eyes, not expecting the two to even talk much. He stood up and slipped on a zip-up. "There's lube in my bag. If you need me, I'll be in Tae's and Kai's dorm!"

Yeonjun was stunned at his friend. He tried to pull Beomgyu back in the dorm, but the younger had already escaped while giggling. At that moment, Soobin came out of the bathroom, making Yeonjun turn around in an instant.

"Where'd Beomgyu go?"

"To some friends... uh, can we talk?"

Soobin hummed and nodded, sitting down by the table. Yeonjun sat down next to him and looked at the taller. He's so pretty...

"Why did you kiss me?"

Soobin expected Yeonjun to ask him that, though he was dreading to answer it. Honestly, he wasn't sure why. Maybe because he saw Beomgyu with another boy earlier? "I just felt like it. Why? You didn't like it?"

"No, I did! I was just confused."

"Would you want to do it again?" Would Beomgyu be jealous? Would he want me?

You have to pay for bts' wattpad story r you kidding me rn...

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