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Soobin woke up to the sound of Beomgyu rushing around their dorm. He slowly opened his eyes and saw his boyfriend hurrying to get ready.

"Gyu?" He called out with a groggy voice.

Beomgyu looked over for a second and chuckled. "Good morning Soob. I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked while applying his skin care.

"It's okay...are you late for class?"

"No I don't have classes. Juyeon suddenly called to hang out."

Soobin just hummed. Juyeon again?

The younger was standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror when Soobin came up behind him and engulfed him in a backhug. Beomgyu laughed as he applied lipgloss.

"When will you get back?" Soobin asked.

"I'm not sure..."

The older hummed and laid his head on top of Beomgyu's. He closed his eyes since he was still tired.

"I was hoping we could have dinner together."

Beomgyu smiled and turned around. "Of course! Can we have chicken though?"

"Whatever you want," he replied before quickly kissing his boyfriend on the lips.

Beomgyu smiled, but sighed once they pulled away. "I just did my lipgloss!"

"Wait! I almost had it!" Juyeon yelled in annoyance. He was trying to take a picture of a dog at the perfect time, but he didn't get a single good one yet.

Beomgyu laughed and took a picture of Juyeon instead. The older heard the camera sound and looked up which made Beomgyu laugh again at the shot he got.

"Hey, I wasn't prepared for that," Juyeon whined.

"That makes it even better."

The older laughed, "let me see!"

They continued to take pictures of each other. They were currently at the park and were sitting by the water with some snacks. It was like a small picnic.

They talked for multiple hours at this point. They only just got to know each other, so there are still lots of things about themselves that they can tell the other. The two boys are actually very similar when it comes to interests.

After a while, the sun was setting and Juyeon heard Beomgyu's stomach rumble.

Juyeon chuckled and looked at Beomgyu from the side. "You hungry?"

Beomgyu slowly looked up at him before laughing while nodding.

"I'm craving chicken, how about you?"

"Oh my— I've been craving chicken all day! We have, like, twin telepathy!"

"Yeah, except we're not twins," Juyeon giggled and they started cleaning up their stuff. "I know this really good fried chicken place nearby, do you wanna go there?"

"Yes, unless you're gonna say kfc..."

"No, it's not kfc." The two continued to talk on their way there and even inside the small restaurant they never shut their mouths.

Juyeon was kind of a... messy eater, to say the least. The chicken got all around his mouth along with the mozzarella sauce that came with it. Beomgyu was laughing at him the whole time and wanted to take a picture.

"Wait, you have my phone, right?"

"Oh right!"

He handed him the phone from his bag. Beomgyu's eyes immediately grew wide when he looked at the screen and he saw the notifications from Soobin.


Beomgyu basically ran into his dorm room, but he found Soobin asleep in his bed. It was late at night already and he knew Soobin probably had morning classes the day after.

Nonetheless he went over to his boyfriend and stroked his hair. "Soobin~" he whispered as he poked the taller's cheek.

The older woke up due to the touching and looked up with a smile. "Hi Gyu, sorry I fell asleep."

"What? No, I should be sorry! I lost track of time and came home way too late for dinner...I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I'm happy you got back safe. I left you some chicken in the fridge."

Beomgyu frowned at his boyfriend. How could I forget about him?

"Thank you," he just whispered. He noticed Soobin's eyes getting heavier, so he just quickly kissed his head before letting go of him and going to wash up.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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