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"Why are we going to a football match?" Soobin asked, kind of whined, as Yeonjun fixed his boyfriend's hair.

"Because Beomgyu invited us and Jongseok's playing. He should be really good." It took everything in Soobin to not snarl at the response he got. Of course, Jongseok again.

Yeonjun smiled at the taller and reached up to peck his bunny nose. "You look handsome. Now let's go!"

Soobin chuckled at him. He didn't mind having Yeonjun around. He actually kind of liked it. But he didn't really see the older in a romantic light.

Yeonjun took Soobin's hand and held onto it as they walked out of Yeonjun's dorm room. The two walked all the way outside of the building, going over to the football field. The players were already training and from a distance, they could see Beomgyu at the front row of the bleachers.

Beomgyu had his eyes glued on Jongseok, admiring how he put so much effort into this sport. He loves people with a passion and Jongseok just shined, playing football.

"You made it!" The boy cheered as his best friend and roommate walked up to him. Their connected hands didn't go unnoticed and it made Beomgyu smile.

Soobin didn't want to hold someone else's hand in front of his crush, but neither did he push Yeonjun away. Why didn't he mind the fact that Yeonjun was around so much? Maybe it's because Yeonjun reminds him of Beomgyu?

But then again, no one's as special as Beomgyu.

"Yeah... when does the actual match start?" Yeonjun asked, taking a seat next to his friend.

"Not sure. Soon, I'm guessing." Beomgyu then looked over at Soobin and he could not hide the slight blush that creeped onto his cheeks.

Soobin looked so good at that moment. He always looks good, he's very attractive. But something about that exact moment made Beomgyu's blood rush to his cheeks.

It was nearing the evening and the light of the sunset shining on Soobin's face just made him look absolutely gorgeous.

Beomgyu shook his head and turned away from his roommate, focusing on Jongseok again. Darn it, he's so hot.

Beomgyu loudly cheered from the bleachers, screaming Jongseok's name at the top of his lungs.

Soobin pretended to enjoy the game and pretended to root for Jongseok, but he hated every second of it. On the outside he was cheering for the passionate football player, but on the inside he was cursing him.

Soobin wanted that attention from Beomgyu.

When it was break time, Jongseok gestured for Beomgyu to come over to him. The boy did so and Soobin almost gagged at the sight of the two being all smiley together.

"He's pretty good, isn't he?" Yeonjun then asked, looking over at the taller next to him.

Soobin took his eyes off the duo and looked back at his boyfriend, forcing a smile on his face. "Jongseok? Yeah, he is." The male gritted his teeth when Yeonjun turned away.

After what seemed like forever, the football match was finally over. Jongseok's team had won and he was of course invited to an after party. He asked Beomgyu to come with him, which the younger agreed to.

Beomgyu had asked Yeonjun and Soobin to come along as well, but they declined the offer.

"You were literally the best one on that field!" Beomgyu cheered his friend on, Jongseok shyly smiling. "Seriously!"

"Ah, thank you..." Jongseok muttered, making Beomgyu giggle at him. Jongseok was such a shy and sweet guy. Beomgyu wondered how he ever got the courage to come and flirt with him.

The duo arrived at the house the party would take place. It wasn't far from their college campus and belonged to one of the other players in the team.

Immediately when they entered the house, all they could smell was the disgusting smell of alcohol. Beomgyu scrunched his nose up. Sure, he drinks as well, but the smell was so strong.

He wasn't planning on getting drunk.

Hey guys, sorry it's been so long.

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