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"Hi, can I join you?" Beomgyu asked as he had walked up to Soobin who was, once again, studying in the library.

The older looked up from his notebook and tried to hide his smile. "Yes, of course."

Beomgyu smiled and sat down next to his roommate. He had been feeling a little lonely back at the dorm and he honestly needed to study anyway. The boy got out his stuff and laid them down, already wanting to cry at the sight of economics.

"I'm so stressed out for the test. I don't know anything," Soobin said with a chuckle, though he didn't find it that funny.

Beomgyu chuckled as well, nodding. "Same, but I'm sure it'll be fine if we study."

"Economics is so hard, though!" The older whined, laying his head on the table.

Beomgyu laughed, finding Soobin quite adorable. I mean, he always found the older adorable — no matter how hard Soobin could try to be cool, Beomgyu has always seen him as a soft guy.

"You'll survive."

"Only if I have you with me," Soobin said when he raised his head up, a playful grin on his face. The younger scoffed and shoved his shoulder. "It's true, though! I love being around you."

Both their cheeks painted pink as they looked away from each other. The library does something to people, I guess.

"Well, I love being around you too." Beomgyu giggled and looked up at the taller again, the blush not disappearing from his face.

Did I just get butterflies?

Soobin decided to go to Yeonjun's dorm when he and Beomgyu were done studying. He hadn't even been there for five minutes when Yeonjun was pulling his clothes off, throwing him on the bed.

Soobin moaned as his boyfriend touched his clothed crotch, getting on top of Soobin.

Yeonjun leaned down and continued to roughly kiss Soobin, gripping the younger's hair as his knees were located next to Soobin's hips.

"Soobin," the smaller moaned out, the said male bucking his hips up.

"Gyu- Junnie."

Yeonjun quirked an eyebrow and pulled away, looking down at Soobin. "What did you just say?"

"I said Junnie." Soobin looked up at his boyfriend, trying his best to hide the fear in his eyes. He just moaned out someone else's name. "Junnie, Yeonjunnie."

Yeonjun smiled at him, but honestly wasn't too sure. "Okay," he said, getting off of Soobin and walking to the bathroom. The taller sighed, cursing to himself before getting up as well.

"Yeonjun," he called out. The older turned around and smiled at Soobin. "Yeonjun, are you—"

"No, it just threw me off."

"I didn't—"

"Yeah, okay." Yeonjun chuckled and went up to Soobin, pecking his lips. "I believe you, babe."

Choi Yeonjun, you're too good for me.

Yeonjun giggled as Beomgyu hugged him from the side and rested his head on the older's shoulder.

Soobin said Gyu, didn't he? No, he didn't. He said he didn't. God, Yeonjun, you're such a bad boyfriend... why would he lie?

"Are you alright? You've been awfully quiet ever since... well, today." Beomgyu looked up at his best friend, a warm smile displayed on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My mind has just been occupied or something. It's nothing."


I love your comments so much!!! I really appreciate them tysm <333 -3-

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