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Jongseok had been sulking for a couple days straight now. His roommate and best friend, Minhyuk, had obviously noticed.

"Jongseok, are you okay? You've been... upset ever since the game," Minhyuk asked with worry. Jongseok sat up on his bed, looking at his friend from the other side of the room.

"I'm okay, I just did something so stupid and disgusting." The male groaned and buried his head back into his pillow. Thinking about the incident just makes him so upset. How could he have done something like that?

Minhyuk furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to Jongseok's bed, sitting down next to the other.

"Does it have something to do with your lover boy?" He asked, a slightly teasing tone evident in his voice. Minhyuk sighed when he heard the other hum, patting Jongseok's back.

"He's mad at me. For a good reason too. I don't know if that's better or worse..."

"What did you do that's that bad?"

Jongseok sighed and sat up again. He knew what he did was bad, but in that moment, he genuinely had no control over his own actions. "I almost forced him to have sex with me when I was drunk."

"Oh... yeah, that's fucked up."

"I know! I don't know how to make it up to him."

"Just let him be for a bit, maybe he'll come by." Minhyuk shrugged his shoulders.

Jongseok frowned at the response he got, "I don't want to just wait it out. I want him to know I regret what I did..."

"I have an idea! You could fuck someone else, let him find out and he'll come running back."

Jongseok's mouth hung open when Minhyuk said that. "I don't... no, Hyuk. That's not how you... no." He was honestly weirded out by the suggestion, but not surprised. This is just how Minhyuk is — he has always been like this. That's probably one of the reasons why he's never been in a serious relationship before.

"What? Think about it. I think you should do it."

Jongseok bit his lip. No, that's weird. I don't even want that...

"Look, dude, I don't think Beomgyu wants to see you right now," Soobin said to Jongseok as the two stood outside of Soobin's dorm. The older had knocked on the door, but Soobin wasn't going to let him inside.

"I'm not here for Beomgyu, I'm here for you." Soobin raised an eyebrow and leaned against the wall. "I want to ask you for advice."

"Go ahead."

"I— how do I make it up to Beomgyu? My friend suggested sleeping with someone else to make him jealous, but I don't think that's the right way to do it..."

Soobin looked confused. First of all, he still had no idea what happened between the two. Second, what the fuck? Who is this friend of his?

In all honesty, Soobin wanted to tell Jongseok to follow his friend's advice. He knew that was a stupid idea and it would only make Beomgyu absolutely furious if he did that to make him jealous. To gain his forgiveness.

But he couldn't do it. Beomgyu would be so upset and Soobin realized that he didn't want to see his precious roommate like that.

"Uhm, I don't know what happened... but I think you should let Beomgyu cool off first. Give him some time. Don't rush things... you're too desperate."

Jongseok frowned at that last insult, but didn't comment on it.

"That's all, I don't know what else to say."

"Okay. Well, thank you." After Jongseok said goodbye, he walked away again.

Soobin cursed to himself. Oh, how he wished he would've just told Jongseok to fuck off in the first place.

Part of him regretted giving Jongseok that advice. Maybe, if he told him to follow his friend's advice, he'd have Beomgyu all for himself.

And that's all Soobin wants.

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