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Beomgyu smiled to himself in the mirror, feeling satisfied with the way he looked at the moment. He sprayed his favorite perfume on before walking out of the bathroom.

"Okay, let's go!"

Soobin looked up from his phone to see his roommate. The two were going to a stupid college party. Yeonjun wasn't tagging along, since he was at his parents' house.

Beomgyu didn't want to go alone, but still wanted to go. So that ended up with him begging Soobin to come with him.

"Do you drink a lot?" The younger asked to which Soobin shook his head to.

"I don't like getting drunk, so no."

"Great, because I do feel like getting drunk." Soobin laughed and reassured Beomgyu that he'd stay by his side.

Soobin's face scrunched up when the two entered the house where the party was located, right next to their college campus. Soobin didn't like parties all that much, but he didn't mind them either.

The two roommates had been talking to some random people — well, mostly Beomgyu talking and Soobin standing next to him. The younger was already slightly drunk. Beomgyu stopped talking when he noticed someone.

"You're kidding..."

There was Jongseok with Minhyuk, too. They hadn't noticed Beomgyu yet though.

"Uh- we can leave if you want?" Soobin suggested, also looking at the two boys who he both despised.

"No. Let's dance!" Beomgyu chugged his cup of beer down quickly before taking Soobin's hand and dragging him to the dance floor. Close to where Jongseok was.

Beomgyu laughed, dancing with Soobin. Though he quickly started to move against the older in a certain way that made Soobin's pants tight.

Beomgyu chugged another cup of beer, making his throat burn but he didn't care.

Maybe it was due to the alcohol, but Beomgyu couldn't stop his body from moving so... sexually. He felt so attracted to Soobin and his brain wasn't working properly enough to stop himself.

He also kind of liked the fact that Jongseok was obviously watching.

"Soobin, you look so hot."

Soobin's cheeks grew red. He wanted to respond, but knew that it'd be wrong. He has a boyfriend who he doesn't love romantically, but adores platonically. Also, he's not sure how drunk Beomgyu is and didn't want to take advantage of him.

Beomgyu put his arms around Soobin's and giggled. He made eye contact with Jongseok, so he pressed his entire body against Soobin's.

"B-Beomgyu, you're drunk."


Soobin soon felt Beomgyu start kissing his neck and he liked it. Of course. Beomgyu, his crush, was kissing him and God did it feel good. Soobin had to stop the younger, since he didn't want Beomgyu to do anything he'd regret later.

"Beomgyu, stop." Soobin held Beomgyu's shoulders as he pushed him away. "You're drunk, I'm taking you back to the dorm."

"No! I wanna stay!"

Beomgyu kept trying to kiss Soobin when the older was trying to tuck him in. "Soobin, you're hot! I want to kiss youuuuu so bad!"

Soobin sighed, "you have a low tolerance for alcohol."

"Don't you want me, Soobin?" Beomgyu's tone seemed to get sadder by the second, but the other didn't notice.

Soobin frowned and wrapped a blanket around Beomgyu's small frame. "I do, that's why we can't."

Soobin gasped when Beomgyu started crying. "No one wants me! People just like my face and my body!" He yelled, letting tears flow down his cheeks.

"Hey, that's not true..." Soobin said with a frown, hugging the younger that was covered by the blanket. "You're so loveable, Gyu, too loveable... I love you a lot."

While comforting Beomgyu, the boy had fallen asleep in Soobin's hold, tears stains still evident on his cheeks.

Hi, I hope you liked it. Tysm for reading!!! I'm so sad txt isn't coming to where I live for their tour 😭 I'm so jealous </3

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