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Beomgyu is a very extroverted and easygoing person so he had no troubles becoming friends with Juyeon. They found out they actually attend the same college, but with different majors.

They decided to hang out for the first time at Juyeon's dorm. Soobin was at a lecture when Beomgyu left.

"Have you listened to Adoy's new song yet?" Juyeon asked as they were walking to a specific store they both loved. It had a bunch of cute, kind of useless things. But they were cute so they had to buy everything.

Beomgyu shook his head. They found out they both loved Adoy too.

"We'll listen to it together!" Juyeon plugged in his earbuds and gave one of the buds to the other boy. Beomgyu took it with no hesitation and they listened to the song together.

They dramatically expressed their feelings about it afterwards and continued to listen to music together. They had pretty similar tastes.

Once they arrived at the store, they gasped at every item they saw and squished all the soft plushies. "Oh my gosh, that's so cute!" Beomgyu yelled, pointing at the cutest little pink nightlight. It had a white sheep inside and the light was in the shape of a house.

Juyeon gasped and agreed. "Do you wanna get it?"

"Tch, like I have any money," he said and fake cried.

"I asked if you wanted it," Juyeon then said and grabbed two of the nightlights. For himself he got the yellow and orange colored one. "We'll have matching ones." The boy smiled and walked on ahead.

Beomgyu stood there for a few seconds before catching up with the other. "You don't have to do that! We haven't been friends for a while..."

"That doesn't matter."

"Well...thank you then."

"Soobinnie~ how was your lecture?" Beomgyu asked as he entered the dorm and spotted Soobin typing something on his laptop. Most likely school related.

The older smiled brightly and set the laptop aside. "It was boring. And what about you, what did you do?" He asked as he let Beomgyu fall into his arms.

Beomgyu chuckled. "I hung out with my new friend Juyeon today. He bought me a nightlight and food."

"A nightlight?" He asked with a chuckle, smiling down at the younger.

Beomgyu nodded. "Yeah! It's so cute, look," he said, fishing it out of his bag to show it to his boyfriend. "The colors are so pretty...I hope he'll continue to be my friend, we had a lot of things in common."

"The nightlight is really pretty. He sounds like a nice guy," a nice guy to use as a punching bag.

Soobin just listened to Beomgyu rambling about his day, sometimes encouraging him or answering random questions the younger asked him. Although he kept smiling the whole time, he felt like either exploding out of anger or sadness.

He didn't know which of those two emotions he was feeling, but he literally never wanted Beomgyu to hang out with Juyeon again.

He was just a little bit jealous.

It's been MONTHS omg I'm so sorry😭😭

And sorry for this shitty chapter I forgot how to do this😍

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