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Yeonjun cried his eyes out, cuddled up in his own blanket. A ton of food was scattered around him, since his coping mechanism is eating. It's not good for his health, so Beomgyu always helped him get through whatever without eating his problema away.

When his roommate, Wooyoung, came back home, he gasped when he saw his friend. "Yeonjun? Don't tell me you're wasting your tears on those dipshits."

Yeonjun just sobbed. "They're not dipshits!" He cried.

"They are! They don't deserve you, Yeonjun!" Wooyoung yelled, hugging his friend through the blanket. "Especially that rat, Choi Soobin..."

Yeonjun chuckled and turned around to face the younger. "I really cared for him though."

"I know. At least it taught you something! Everyone who's name is Choi is a total douche!"

"Wooyoung, my name is Choi."

"That proves my point!"

Yeonjun scoffed, stuffing his face with some more chocolate. "Nope, put that down. It's been nearly two weeks, get out of your slump already!"

"I can't," the older sobbed out.

Wooyoung sighed, feeling sorry for his roommate. "What if I introduce you to someone new? Someone who I know is a good person?"


"I'm... not sure yet. I'll find you someone, go shower!"

Beomgyu stared at his laptop screen that was playing some random show that he's always watching, but never paying attention to. Soobin looked up from his school work and sighed, going over to his roommate and sitting down next to him.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm fucking embarrassed."

Soobin chuckled, "we should be."

Beomgyu looked down with a frown on his face. He can't live with himself like this. Everyday, he feels even more embarrassed. It's even worse than doing something embarrassing in public.

What's even worse is that part of him doesn't regret kissing Soobin.

Soobin then rubbed the top of Beomgyu's head with his hand, making the younger blush. "All we can do now is just learn from it. It happened already, I'm sure Yeonjun just wants to move on too."

Beomgyu hummed, looking up at Soobin with soft eyes. He couldn't help it and let himself fall forward to hug his roommate.

Yeonjun did want to move on once he came eye in eye with the boy that Wooyoung wanted to introduce to him.

"This is Yunho, he's a very good friend of mine. I'm sure you'll get along!" Wooyoung introduced with a bright smile. He slightly pushed Yeonjun closer to Yunho, making the boy blush.

Yunho was just a bit taller than Yeonjun, around Soobin's height. Perfect.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Yunho greeted with a smile that could literally light up an entire room. Yeonjun thought he looked like a puppy.

Yeonjun just nodded and his cheeks heated up. Wooyoung noticed and laughed, slowly walking away to his other friends.

"Wooyoung told me you had some sort of incident with another guy? You don't have to tell me about it, but if you want to..."

The younger chuckled. "I broke up with my boyfriend, because he kissed my best friend and said he never loved me."

"Oh... I'm sorry, that's horrible. How could anyone do that to you?"

Yeonjun blushed. "You don't even know me!"

"I know, but I can just tell by your face that you're probably the sweetest person ever."

Usually Yeonjun would cringe, but hearing that from this handsome guy made his heart flutter. He also doesn't know what he did to Soobin or even Beomgyu to deserve it, but at least he can learn from it. And otherwise, he probably would've never met Yunho.

"I'll get you some food, pick anything you want."

"You don't have to, I have money." Yeonjun smiled at the taller.

"I want to." Yunho smiled as well and walked ahead to get food for the both of them. It all seemed to be going good. Maybe too good.

This is kind of a filler chapter, sorry lmao :)

ALL I WANT - soogyuWhere stories live. Discover now