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Beomgyu and Jongseok were still at the after party and Jongseok had gotten drunk. After playing beer pong, which already made him tipsy, he went overboard with alcohol and just chugged everything down.

Beomgyu didn't like being or seeing his friends drunk, but they're in college. It's normal and he doesn't blame Jongseok for wanting to have fun on a day like this.

But Beomgyu really didn't like what was going on right now.

He was just sitting on one of the couches, which a girl pulled him to, when Jongseok came over to him and started kissing him. Beomgyu kissed back at first but realized they were in public.

"Jongseok, stop. We're in the center of the room..." the younger said, covering Jongseok's mouth with his hand.

"Then, let's go somewhere else," Jongseok drunkenly spoke.

Beomgyu sighed. He took Jongseok's hand and guided him upstairs. People around them made "ooh" sounds, making the boy roll his eyes — he didn't go upstairs with Jongseok for sex. He didn't want to have drunk sex. But getting away from all the people did sound nice.

Once the two had entered an empty bedroom, Jongseok giggled and attacked Beomgyu's neck as they still stood by the door. The younger let him be for a bit, liking the feeling.

"J-Jongseok," Beomgyu moaned out.

Jongseok grunted and grabbed Beomgyu, throwing him on the bed. The younger yelped and sat up, placing his hands on Jongseok's chest to prevent him from coming closer.

"Stop, you're drunk. I don't want to right now."

Jongseok groaned, removing Beomgyu's hands and starting to unbutton the other's shirt. "Come on, Beomie! I had a great win, be my prize!" He giggled and slurred on his words.

Beomgyu was uncomfortable, to say the least.

After trying to tell Jongseok to stop multiple times and he still didn't, Beomgyu hit him in the face. Hard. The hit seemed to sober him up a bit, making him realize what was happening.

"Ouch, fuck..." he spoke. Jongseok then looked up, meeting Beomgyu's wide eyes. He was mad, sad and even scared at the same time. "Shit. Beomgyu, I'm so sorry. Oh my God."

Jongseok stepped a bit closer, but Beomgyu smacked his hands away. "Don't come closer!" He shouted, standing up and putting his shirt on right.

The older stepped back and put his hands down. "Beomgyu, I mean it... I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"I don't care, stay the fuck away from me." The boy sniffled a bit and walked out, leaving the house. He knows Jongseok was drunk, but that doesn't mean he won't be mad.

"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asked, seeing his best friend enter the dorm with dry tear stains. Beomgyu had gone to Yeonjun's dorm, needing his best friend.

Yeonjun walked up to Beomgyu and wiped his face.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." Beomgyu sniffled and then sighed, calming himself down.

"Did something happen?" The older asked, taking Beomgyu's arm and dragging him to his bed. The two of them sat down and Beomgyu took another deep, shaky breath.

"Yeah- uhm, Jongseok got really drunk. He wanted sex and I didn't, but he still tried to do it. I hit him and then he apologized, but I'm still angry... and sad."

Beomgyu frowned and Yeonjun pulled his friend into a hug. "Oh my God, Gyu... that's horrible. Did he say anything more afterwards?"

"Not really. He said he didn't know what 'came over him' and apologized multiple times. I know he's drunk and all, but still..."

"You have every right to be upset. That asshole."

"He's not an asshole, Jun," Beomgyu stated, pulling away to look at Yeonjun. "I hope he gets back safe."

"Tch, don't think about his well-being right now! Did he hurt you, physically? He didn't hit you back, did he?"

Beomgyu chuckled and shook his head. "No, he didn't. I'm really fine, just upset. I didn't expect him to do that." Beomgyu told himself that it happened because of the alcohol, but deep down he also really hoped Jongseok wasn't just using him for his needs.

No, he would never.

hi guys. i hope you're all safe and okay rn.

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