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Soobin knocked on the bathroom door again. Beomgyu had locked himself in there, too embarrassed to even respond to his roommate.

"Beomgyu, I'm serious, it's okay! You don't have to be embarrassed."

Soobin sighed. What the fuck do I tell Yeonjun?

"Beomgyu, please just open the door? I'm not mad or anything... you don't even have to say anything."

Soobin smiled when the door finally opened. He saw Beomgyu, still with a completely red face. "Look, I'm really sorry—"

"You don't have to apologize."

The younger nodded, "can I tell you something?" Soobin nodded, patiently waiting for Beomgyu to continue. "I remember everything you said that night of the party... and also what I did, which I'm also sorry about."

Soobin's face grew as red as a tomato. "I... you..."

"I shouldn't have kissed you, but Soobin, do you like me? Like, are you in love with me?"

Soobin sighed and bent down to sit on the floor. Beomgyu gulped and sat down with him, scared of what he'd say.


"...then why are you with Yeonjun?"

"I- well, I don't know... I like him, but not romantically, but now I don't know what to do since I don't want to hurt him."

Beomgyu looked at Soobin, wide-eyed.

"I know, it's fucked up... what about you? You kissed me."

"Uh, well, I-... I'm not sure. I've always found you attractive, but since you're dating my best friend I didn't look at you like that. But I don't know, I just couldn't control myself..?" Beomgyu whined and covered his face with his hands, "I hate myself and I hope Yeonjun will hate me too."

Soobin sighed and patted Beomgyu's head.

"I think you should break up with Jun, if you really feel this way..."

"Yeah, I know. It's just hard, he's such a good person." I wish I did love him. Soobin did truly feel sorry for Yeonjun, but his feelings towards Beomgyu were stronger than his empathy.

"You should do that first before we even consider anything more."

'Anything more'...? Does he want to be anything more than friends?

Soobin couldn't sleep. He felt too guilty towards Yeonjun. He just confessed his love for Beomgyu while being in a relationship... he's not any better than Jongseok.

"Soobin..?" Suddenly came from the other side of the room.

The said boy leaned on his elbows and looked up, "yeah?"

"I think we— or, you should tell Yeonjun... about how you don't really like him like that."

"Yeah, you're right... But how? What do I say?"

Beomgyu pouted. He hates how he's acting right now, going behind his best friend's back, discussing how Yeonjun's relationship will end. Beomgyu knows how happy Yeonjun is with Soobin and he feels so bad, but it's not fair if Soobin keeps dating Yeonjun either, right?

"Honestly, just tell him the truth. It'll get to you if you don't."

Soobin sighed after a moment of silence and stood up from his bed. He put on some socks and left the dorm, making his way towards Yeonjun's.

When he arrived at his boyfriend's dorm, he took a deep breath before knocking. Soobin still had no idea what he wanted to say, but it didn't matter. He had to be honest with Yeonjun.

What Soobin didn't expect when Yeonjun opened the door was a slap right on his cheek.

"So you decided to show up here?"

"I... what?"

"What? Were you gonna complain to me about something and then fuck me? Again?"

"No, I—"

"If you wanna fuck someone, go to Beomgyu."

Soobin's eyes widened. How did he find out?!

"You think I wouldn't have found out? You're making out in public, Soobin. Don't act so shocked. You are both so fucking disgusting! How could you do that to me?!"

Soobin noticed the tears forming in the older's eyes even in the dark. He felt bad, of course he did.

"Yeonjun, are you talking about—"

"The party where you and Beomgyu were apparently making out in the middle of the room? Yes, I'm talking about that." Yeonjun let out a scoff. He was so hurt. Not only by Soobin, but it hurt even more that Beomgyu would do this to him. "Why did you do that?"

"Listen, we didn't make out. Beomgyu was drunk and he started to kiss me. I came here to talk to you about... everything."

"Oh, so now it's all Beomgyu's fault? You still let him, you asshole! After I gave you nothing but my love and care!"

"Please, Yeonjun. I'm so sorry, I really am. But please, let me explain some things to you."

Yeonjun looked at Soobin. He couldn't believe the taller right now. 'Explain some things'? Is he that dense? That fucking asshole... but nonetheless, he let him. "Fine, go ahead."

"A-Actually, would you come to my dorm?"

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