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Beomgyu giggled at his phone while his thumbs typed away. He was laying on his bed, on his stomach, texting Jongseok.

Soobin was laying on his own bed, trying to focus on his own phone. But how could he? His roommate was texting some other boy, being all giddy about it.

Soobin absolutely hated Jongseok at the moment.

"Who are you talking to?" Soobin asked, even if he already suspected it was Jongseok.

Beomgyu looked up with rosy cheeks. "Jongseok, the guy from the library. He's so sweet, Soobin!" Beomgyu squealed, rolling over on his bed. By doing so, his skirt moved up for just a moment and his lace panties were revealed to Soobin.

The older blushed. "O-Oh, that's great." The sight he just saw only made him more attracted to his roommate.

A gasp coming from Beomgyu made Soobin snap his head up. The boy sat up on his bed and let out another squeal. "He asked me to come to his dorm!"

Soobin's fake smile dropped from his face while Beomgyu's face was lit up with happiness. Beomgyu got up from his bed and ran to the closet, grabbing his favorite skirt and prettiest panties before running to the bathroom to put them on.

As soon as Beomgyu was out of sight, Soobin let out a huff. Why not me?

"Hi Beomgyu." Jongseok smiled as he let the said boy into his dorm. "My roommate shouldn't be here for a while. He's visiting his family." He explained, Beomgyu nodding after.

The two had been talking ever since they met at the library, which right now was a couple weeks ago.

"Do you want anything to drink... eat?"

Beomgyu chuckled. "No, thank you." The two sat down on the small couch, both kind of shy. "I really like talking to you, you know."

"Me too... you look really pretty, by the way, Beomgyu." Jongseok said with red cheeks, eyeing Beomgyu up and down.

The slightly shorter boy blushed as well, a smile forming on his face. "Thank you. You look really good too." He said with a giggle, his hands playing with the strings of Jongseok's hoodie.

The two went quiet for a couple seconds before they found themselves leaning in. It didn't take long for their lips to make contact.

Beomgyu let out a sound of pleasure when he felt Jongseok's tounge enter his mouth. Their tounges danced together, exploring the insides of their mouths.

The two boys had to part from each other for air after a bit. They both looked at each other, heavy breaths escaping their lips.

Beomgyu grabbed Jongseok by his hoodie, pulling him back again. The older's hands found their way to Beomgyu's hips, lifting him up onto his lap.

Jongseok pulled away for a moment, looking at the younger on his lap. "Beomgyu, d-do you want to go further?"

Beomgyu smiled at him and nodded. "Yes. Do you?"

Jongseok nodded. Beomgyu smiled again and guided the older's hands to his skirt, suggesting him to take it off. Jongseok did so, blushing when Beomgyu's skirt was removed and thrown on the floor.


"I wore my pretty ones for you."

Ummm okay....

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Its almost the new year too, I rlly hope 2022 will be a bit better than 2022 hhhhh.

Anywaysss, not sure if I'll update tmwr SO HAPPY EARY NEW YEAR! I wish yall the absolute BEST <3

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