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Yeonjun's world history class had just finished and he went straight to the restroom after. He didn't expect to see Jongseok when he walked out of the stall. He sighed, knowing the older would talk to him.

"Hey Yeonjun." His tone sounded a bit harsh.

The younger washed his hands, not looking at Jongseok. "Hi," he just replied.

"Did you go to a karaoke bar a couple days ago?"

"Yeah. Why, did you see me?" He asked as he dried his hands, not actually interested in this conversation. Why did Jongseok suddenly have to show so much interest in him? He never cared much about Yeonjun when he was dating Beomgyu.

"No. I just saw your pictures on instagram. Who did you go there with?"

"Just some friends. Yunho invited me. Why?"

"Nothing, I just saw that Beomgyu posted pictures there on the same day as well. You didn't happen to be there together?"

"Oh we were. It was a coincidence, but we made up.
I told him that I've forgiven him. It feels much better."

Jongseok's eyes widened. How could he?! "What do you mean you made up? How?"

Yeonjun shrugged, now turning to look at Jongseok. He had to hold in a laugh at the other's face. "We just talked. He also told me you were pretending to be on the phone with me," he said with a bitter chuckle.

"What? I didn't do that."

"No? It seems like something you'd do though. He doesn't like you anymore, Jongseok. Just move on."

"W-What- I don't like that bitch anymore either!"

"If you say so..."

Jongseok looked at the other with angry eyes, not happy that he got confronted with the truth like that.  He grabbed Yeonjun's arm and slammed him against the sink. Yeonjun gasped and made a disgusted face at the older.

"What the fuck? Let me go, you nasty!" Usually he's pretty strong, but Jongseok seemed to be just a bit stronger. "How the fuck—"

"Don't say shit like that. It's not true!" He yelled, looking down at Yeonjun.

"Sure... that's why you're getting so offended right now."

Jongseok scoffed and leaned down, kissing the younger. Yeonjun widened his eyes, not really knowing what to do since he was in so much shock. "Get off me- mmph- get off!"

Yeonjun was about to kick him, but someone else had already pulled Jongseok away from the boy... and punched him square in the face. Yeonjun first gasped and then cheered.

"Ow, what the hell?!"

"It still talks." And so Jongseok received another punch. Yeonjun gasped dramatically as he finally noticed the person was Soobin. Jongseok yelped something again, making him roll his eyes. "Even now you talk too much."

"Soobin- holy shit," Beomgyu appeared since he was waiting for his roommate, but decided to come in anyways. "Whaaat are you doing?"

"He was kissing me!" Yeonjun answered for him, still in shock of why Jongseok even did that. "Thanks, Soobin," he then muttered.

"Why'd he do that?"

"I don't know. To try and prove a point?"

Beomgyu pursed his lips and grabbed both Yeonjun and Soobin's hands, dragging them along to his dorm. Neither of them protested and just left Jongseok there who now had a headache and a bloody nose.

"Are you okay?" Beomgyu asked his friend with a worried look.

Yeonjun nodded with a chuckle. "I'm fine, it was just weird. He got all mad, because I only told him the truth and then he kissed me. But yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes... can I go now?"

Beomgyu chuckled and nodded. He didn't expect Yeonjun to hug him before he left, but he was happy about it. It made him blush a little before he turned to Soobin. "That was kind of hot."

"What, Yeonjun?"

"No, you!" He laughed. "I wish I could've seen you beating him up."

"I didn't exactly beat him up, but sure."

"Whatever, I still wish I saw it." They both laughed. Beomgyu looked at Soobin's hands and sighed. "You have his blood on you. Gross!" He scrunched up his nose and took Soobin to the bathroom, starting to clean his hands up.

"You don't have to do that, I can do it myself."

"It's okay."

Soobin stared at Beomgyu while he was cleaning the bit of blood on his hand. He thought Beomgyu was the most beautiful person he's ever seen. Ever since the day they met at the dorm he thought Beomgyu looked unreal. Like a doll even.

The older chuckled before quickly kissing Beomgyu's lips. Beomgyu smiled and looked up. "All done!"

"Thanks Gyu. What would I do without you?" He let out a dramatic sigh and latched himself onto his roommate, hugging him tightly. He's all I need.

When Beomgyu stepped out of his dorm room, he nearly fell down again since there was a person right in front of him. "Oh my fuck—"

"Beomgyu? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!"

The said boy looked up at whoever was talking and frowned when he saw Minhyuk. Why him...
"Oh I guess so."

"How have you been doing? After you and Jongseok..."

Beomgyu sighed and scratched the back of his head. This was going to be so awkward. "I'm doing pretty good actually."

"Oh really? Have you found someone new already?" Minhyuk asked with a chuckle, expecting a no.

"I think so, yeah."

Minhyuk's smile fell and he looked at Beomgyu with a blank face. "Oh. Who is it?"

"Does it matter to you?" Beomgyu asked with an awkward chuckle. "It's not even official yet between us, but I'm pretty sure it's going somewhere. It honestly wasn't that serious with Jongseok," he said to rub it in a little. Minhyuk might be even worse than Jongseok.

"Yeah, I noticed that too. I always felt like you could do better, get someone who can treat you better."

"You did?"

"Totally. Jongseok's too much of a softie for guys like you."

Beomgyu furrowed his brows. He knows Minhyuk is referring to himself in this and he hates it. "Well—"

"He already found someone, get lost," Soobin said as he opened the dorm door, looking at Minhyuk with no emotion readable from his face. "Don't try something with Beomgyu again. You already put a bad reputation on your own name last time."

Minhyuk looked at Soobin weirdly. He didn't even know Soobin at all as he's really only seen Beomgyu that one time at the arcade and when he was at Jongseok's dorm while Minhyuk was around too.

Beomgyu looked at Soobin, almost with literal heart eyes. Why had he never noticed this before? Soobin gets jealous and a little possessive, unlike Jongseok. And Beomgyu loved it.

This was such a weird chapter omg I'm sorry yall 🙏🏼

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