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"This is my best friend, Minhyuk," Jongseok introduced to Beomgyu. The youngest of the three smiled at the new face.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm—"

"Stunning. You're absolutely stunning."

Beomgyu was taken aback by Minhyuk's comment and glanced at Jongseok, just seeing him chuckle. He found it weird... why is Jongseok chuckling and not bothered by the comment?

"Uh, thanks..." Beomgyu awkwardly said. Minhyuk just sheepishly smiled, finding himself lost in the younger's eyes.

Minhyuk didn't expect Beomgyu to be this pretty. Sure, Jongseok had always been talking about him and how perfect he is, but he just thought his friend was exaggerating.

"Let's go," Jongseok then said with a smile. Beomgyu nodded and stood next to his boyfriend, not wanting to walk next to Minhyuk.

The three of them went to an arcade. Beomgyu hadn't been there in ages, but he's always loved arcades. He'd always go there with Yeonjun when they were in middle- and highschool.

"Hey Beomgyu, wanna play a game with me?" Minhyuk asked.

"Oh, sure."

They went over to play a racing game. The awkwardness between the two disappeared for a bit as they're both competitive and good at games. Beomgyu laughed as he eventually won, rubbing it in Minhyuk's face.

Minhyuk giggled, "good job, beautiful. I'll beat you next time, though!"

Beautiful..? Beomgyu was honestly weirded out by his words. He knows Beomgyu is taken, by his best friend that is! Why the hell is he flirting with him?

Beomgyu wanted to say something to Minhyuk, but he also wanted to see if his own boyfriend would have some sort of reaction.

The entire day, Minhyuk kept flirting with Beomgyu; calling him 'cute' nicknames, slight, subtle physical touch, complimenting him, etc.

And Jongseok didn't even have a reaction.

Of course Beomgyu was bothered by that, how couldn't he be? His boyfriend should at least get a little jealous!

When Minhyuk finally parted ways from the two, Beomgyu turned to the older, slightly mad. "Are you angry at Minhyuk?"

Jongseok furrowed his brows, "no..? Why would I be?"

"Are you kidding me?" The younger said, looking down with a sigh. "Are you blind? He was flirting with me the entire time and you didn't notice?"

Jongseok was quiet for a couple of seconds before breaking out into a laugh. Beomgyu stepped back a bit, confused. "Flirting with you? Babe, he's just nice. I think you're so used to guys liking you that suddenly you think everyone's flirting with you."

"No, I don't," the other was quick to respond. "Anyone could've noticed it!"

"Sure, Gyu." Jongseok snickered and wrapped an arm around Beomgyu, but his boyfriend quickly swatted him away. Jongseok looked at him with a weird face. "What?"

"You don't believe me?"

The older let out a sigh. "I didn't say that. It's not your fault, you're gorgeous. But that doesn't mean everyone's into you."

Beomgyu scoffed, "I'm walking home. Asshole."

Beomgyu turned around and angrily walked away. Jongseok called out his name and ran up to the younger. "Hey, wait up! Why are you mad?"

"Because you're acting like a jerk. Fuck off, Jongseok."

"Tch... you want me to get jealous? Why?"

"I think you should be jealous if someone's flirting with your boyfriend!"

"Why do you get mad over such little things?"

"Why can't you just do the littlest things?" Beomgyu rolled his eyes and kept walking. Jongseok scoffed and turned around again, going to his car.

What a good day, isn't it.

"He's such a douche!" Beomgyu ranted to Yeonjun. "Am I being dramatic? Is it not a big deal?" He then asked, doubting himself.

"You're not dramatic! Your own boyfriend should care if someone literally flirts with you."

Beomgyu nodded, letting out a sigh. "Thank you, Jun." The two quickly hugged each other. The younger wasn't sure how to feel right now.

"Why can't you just do the littlest things?" It's true that Jongseok is a sweetheart, but sometimes he can't even do the bare minimum. He can't comfort Beomgyu when he's upset, he doesn't take him out to fun places — the arcade was Minhyuk's idea, etc.

Though, he did some good things as well. He always compliments Beomgyu — though it's always about his looks, he pays for food and he's very gentle.

But is that really enough for Beomgyu to be committed to him?

I love reading your comments lmao <33
Thank you for reading!! Ilyyyy

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