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Yeonjun, Soobin and Beomgyu sat there in silence. They got a noise complaint before, because Yeonjun was yelling at the two while crying his eyes out. When he saw Beomgyu, he became even more mad.

They were supposed to be best friends.

Now it had been silent for a couple minutes. Yeonjun looked at the two younger boys in front of him who were both avoiding eye contact with him.

"So you're just not gonna say anything?"

Beomgyu sighed.

"Jun, I don't know what you heard or saw, but it's mostly my fault," Beomgyu finally said. "I didn't just kiss Soobin while I was drunk that night, I also did... the day after." The youngest of the three looked down at the floor, fidgeting with his hands.

"I know I'm the worst friend ever for that and me being drunk the first time doesn't excuse anything. The truth is, I think I've always found Soobin attractive. But after Jongseok and I broke up, I guess I started to view him as even more than a friend, even though you guys are dating."

"I really do get it if you never want to see me again. I know that it was wrong, but I can't help but... want Soobin. I'm really sorry, Yeonjun."

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. What kind of apology is that? "You're pathetic, Gyu. You're really gonna run from one boy to another for some type of validation? I supported you through every single relationship and heartbreak you've ever had and then you have to ruin mine?!"

"Yeonjun, it's not Beomgyu's fault," Soobin suddenly chimed in.

"You're both at fault!"

"No, it's my fault. I dated you, but I never really... loved you."

Yeonjun's eyes immediately shot to Soobin's, now filled with tears. "What..?"

"I... I'm sorry. I've had a crush on Beomgyu ever since I met him."

The oldest of the three looked at Soobin in disbelief. Everything he ever did for me was all fake? "So you just wanted me for... sex?"

"No, Yeonjun. I did like you as—"

"A friend. Wow, that's so comforting! My boyfriend who I loved with my entire heart, never even loved me! And my supposedly best friend takes the first chance he gets to get with my boyfriend! You two are just great, really."

"Jun," Beomgyu started, but he got cut off immediately.

"Shut up! Your apologies don't fix anything. Fuck you, both of you. We're over, Soobin. And I don't ever wanna see your ugly face again, Gyu." Yeonjun sniffled as he stood up and ran out the room, slamming the door shut.

That went absolutely horrible.

After Yeonjun left, Soobin and Beomgyu just sat there in silence for a while. Beomgyu wanted to cry, but felt like he didn't deserve to. "I just lost my best friend and it's my own fault."

Soobin sighed. "Gyu, you've been friends for a very long time. I'm sure Yeonjun doesn't want to just throw all that away."

"No, I know how he is. Yeonjun isn't stupid, he'll never want to be friends again..."

"...well, you already apologized. Maybe he'll be able to forgive you someday?"

Beomgyu nodded, but he didn't really believe it. And he understands Yeonjun, which might make it even worse.

After Yeonjun left Soobin and Beomgyu's dorm, he didn't go to his own room. He went to Jongseok's.

Yeonjun stood there with red, puffy eyes waiting for Jongseok to open the door. "Hey Yeonjun, are you alright?" He asked, letting the younger inside.

"You said they were making out and then went into a room upstairs," Yeonjun said, ignoring Jongseok's question. "But they're telling me they just kissed. Beomgyu was drunk and Soobin brought him back, not taking it any further?"

Jongseok rolled his eyes. "So I'm guessing you broke up with Soobin?"

"Yes. Why did you lie?"

"Why do you think I'm the one who lied?!"

"Because I know when Beomgyu lies!"

"You saw the picture!"

"Why did you make everything sound so much worse?!"

"Isn't what they did already bad enough?!"

Yeonjun huffed. Honestly, true. Not only did his best friend kiss his boyfriend, but Soobin never even loved him. It can't get any worse than that. But still, he doesn't like that Jongseok lied to him.

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