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It was the middle of the night and Soobin was seated on top of his bed, bitterly staring at the other side of the room. Jongseok was staying the night with Beomgyu and they were currently cuddled up together.

Soobin absolutely hated the way Jongseok's hand gripped the younger's exposed thigh. He remembers the night he and Beomgyu cuddled and hates the fact that he knows how good Jongseok must be feeling. That should be me...

Soobin knew the two were dating. When Beomgyu told him, he could practically feel his heart break into two and then shatter into a million little pieces.

After that, he went over to Yeonjun's dorm and fucked the life out of him. The older was very much pleased, but Soobin only got more upset.

Soobin got up, put on socks and left the dorm. He harshly closed the door, not caring if the couple woke up... which they did.

"What was that?" Beomgyu tiredly asked, his eyes slightly opening.

Jongseok groaned, "I think your roommate just left. That's all. Go back to sleep, baby."

"Soobin?" Yeonjun asked as he opened the door, only half awake. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry for waking you, but can I sleep here tonight?"

Yeonjun smiled and let his boyfriend enter the dorm room. "Of course. But be quiet, my roommate's asleep and will be mad if we wake him up."

Soobin chuckled and nodded. The couple went ahead and laid in Yeonjun's bed, the older snuggling up to Soobin. He laid on top of the taller, mumbling a small "goodnight" before drifting to sleep.

Soobin didn't know why he came here, honestly. He can't bare to see Beomgyu like that with someone else, but going to Yeonjun's honestly made him feel worse.

When Soobin wrapped his own arms around his boyfriend, he felt like crying. He didn't want Yeonjun, he wants Beomgyu. He feels guilty towards Yeonjun and knows he should just break it off, but he doesn't have the courage for that. Call him a coward, I guess.

Beomgyu kissed Jongseok's cheek when the older finally woke up. He, himself, had been awake for a couple minutes.

"Good morning," Beomgyu cheered.

Jongseok groaned and rubbed his eyes, making the younger giggle at him. "Morning babe."

Beomgyu smiled at the nickname and then looked over at Soobin's side of the room, seeing his bed empty. His stuff didn't seem to be moved around. "Where's Soobin? He didn't come back?"

"Uh, I guess not."

Beomgyu sat up, leaving Jongseok's hold. He grabbed his cellphone and texted Soobin, asking if he's okay and why he didn't come back.

"Doesn't he have a boyfriend? He's probably just with his boyfriend," Jongseok muttered, hugging his own boyfriend from behind.

"Probably, but I still want to make sure he's okay."

After a couple of minutes, Beomgyu sighed in relief as he got a reply back from his roommate; "yes, I'm okay. I'm just at Jun's, ty for asking tho :)"

"Okay, he's at Yeonjun's."

"See? Now, come back here and cuddle me." Jongseok rolled his eyes as he pulled Beomgyu down with him. The younger didn't see the annoyed look on his boyfriend's face and giggled, getting comfortable again.

short chapters but double update¿ :)))
tysm for reading tho! I'm sorry for being kinda inactive on here. I've been busy kind of.

anywaysss hope you are doing okay.

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