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Beomgyu came back to his own dorm after staying the night with Taehyun and Kai. He decided to stay there to give Yeonjun and Soobin some privacy.

The boy grinned to himself when he entered the small dorm room — he saw Yeonjun and Soobin laying in Soobin's bed, still asleep. They were covered with a blanket, but he could see their bare chests. Clothes were scattered on the floor and a bottle of lube stood on Soobin's nightstand.

Beomgyu just quietly got changed and grabbed his bag, leaving for his lecture. He decided to leave the other two boys alone for now.

When Soobin heard the door close, he woke up. He was met with Yeonjun still sleeping besides him. Yeonjun had his arms wrapped around the younger's torso.

Soobin sighed, staring at him. He had slept with his crush's best friend for honestly no reason. Soobin had no idea what this would lead to. Would Yeonjun want them to be a couple? What about Beomgyu? Soobin doesn't want to be Yeonjun's.

Not long after, Yeonjun woke up as well. He smiled and leaned up to place a short peck on Soobin's bunny lips. "Morning."

"G-Good morning," Soobin muttered out in response.

"Soobin?" Yeonjun spoke up after a bit of silence. The said male hummed, "I think I like you."

Well, what a way to start the morning.

Soobin didn't know why the hell he agreed to date Yeonjun. Maybe out of guilt? They did have sex and he didn't want to leave him hanging. But Yeonjun's not the person he wants. He wants Beomgyu.

Yeonjun was quite a clingy boyfriend, but knew when to stop. He got attached to people really easily and for the most part, people didn't mind him clinging to them all the time.

He would always hold onto his friends' hands or arms if they were walking, giving lots of hugs, even kisses — his way of showing affection was definitely through physical display.

When Soobin agreed to be his boyfriend, Yeonjun knew he wouldn't leave the younger's side. Ever.

In Yeonjun's eyes, he really scored the jackpot. Just from spending a little bit of time with Soobin, he knew Soobin was the perfect boyfriend. Not just for him, but in general. He ticked all of the boxes. Yeonjun just knew it.

"I have a football game on friday, do you want to come and watch?" Jongseok shyly asked Beomgyu, making the younger break out into a smile.

"Of course! I'd love to see you play."

Jongseok was honestly one of the top players of the team. He was often the reason they won. Though he never made a big deal out of himself. Jongseok is a very humble person.

"Great. I'll text you what time it'll start."

"Okay. Bye Jongseok, see you." Beomgyu smiled and stood on his toes to place a soft and gentle kiss on the taller's lips. The kiss deepened, but they didn't go any further.

After pulling away and another goodbye, Beomgyu entered his dorm room. There he saw Yeonjun, but not Soobin.

"Jun? Where's Soobin?"

"He had to meet up with professor Kim."

"Oh, okay... I saw you two this morning!" The younger then squealed out, skipping over to his best friend. Yeonjun turned slightly red, giggling. "So you two did it, I'm assuming?"

Yeonjun nodded with another giggle, making Beomgyu practically scream. "And I also asked him to be my boyfriend..."

The younger gasped, "and? What did he say?"

"He said yes."

Beomgyu's eyes grew wide before he screamed again and launched himself onto Yeonjun, knocking him down on his bed. "My baby has finally found himself a man! Yeonjun, this is so exciting."

Beomgyu had the total opposite reaction of what Soobin was hoping for. He hoped Beomgyu would get jealous. He didn't care if maybe it would break his and Yeonjun's friendship — Soobin just wants Beomgyu all to himself. He knows it sounds bad, but he just has so much love for Beomgyu.

Hi guys, hru? My day has been horrible. I skipped half of my school day and now I have 2 hours of detention tmwr.

I hope you know that if you ever feel unmotivated, unproductive or like your life just sucks, you're not the only one. I feel like I've just been rotting away, doing nothing for so long now and I don't know how to fix it.

This is the corniest shit ever, but yall aren't alone. I just want you to know that cause life can get pretty lonely.

I really do appreciate every single person who reads my stories. I know it sounds weird since we don't actually know each other in any way, but you guys mean the world to me and your comments can really make my day.

That was so random, but I'm having the shittiest time ever rn idek T-T

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