Chapter Six

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Six: 'Friends'

Ginny's mood did not improve the next day. In fact, she had grown lazy owing to the weekend. Not in the mood to cook, she ordered a nice cheese pizza from a nearby restaurant. She settled in front of the TV to wait for her pizza. That's when she noticed a CD rack. O! She had totally forgotten that Percy's wedding was filmed the muggle style on Audrey and her dad's request. She thought to rewind a couple of good memories and hence, put the CD labelled 'P and A One' to play.

The screen was black before revealing the garden of The Burrow. The scene was absolutely beautiful. A tent was set up similar to Bill's wedding. Linen was draped over the chairs and a red bow tied the cloth and the furniture together. This was mostly for decoration. Burrow was not a place where the winds would blow the covers off. Marigolds and roses were lying here and there - the theme flowers of the wedding, Ginny remembered. Lillies and roses were hers and Harry's theme flowers. She sighed and banished the thought to the back of her mind.

The video started playing and several guests were seen smiling at the camera. Little kids ran around and Ginny spotted her brother Bill with Vic and Teddy. Victoire was holding a tissue and Teddy was looking at her. Ginny couldn't help but chuckle. As soon as the camera neared the kids and Bill, Teddy looked up with a bright smile.

"Hawwy! Cawwy me!" he exclaimed, reaching his arms to the camera. A loud laugh was heard and Bill took charge of Teddy once again.

"He is the camera uncle now, Ted. He cannot carry you but he will give you some nice ice cream later, won't you Harry?"

"Sure," His voice said. Ginny's heart skipped a beat. It had been five years since she had heard that voice. She shook her head and was about to switch the CD off when Ron and Hermione popped up. They were discussing something as the camera zoomed closer. As soon as they spotted him, they smiled and waved to the camera. The camera neared the pair and they were about to talk something when a knock sounded on Ginny's flat door. She paused the video and walked over to the door, assuming it was the pizza delivery person. However when she opened it, she found her three 'best' friends - Iliana, Kathy and Nia. She cursed quietly and wore a fake smile.

"Iliana, Kathy, Nia! What a miracle that you decided to stop by?" she asked, feigning excitement though if one were to know her properly, they would have known that the sentence was filled with sarcasm. Ginny did not really adore her friends. Nia was a day dreamer. She would be so lost in her own world that she never cared about what happened to her friends or family but was the first person to gossip with them. Kathy on the other hand was totally hated by Ginny. She was an arrogant and cocky girl, two years older than her who (Ginny was pretty sure) liked to talk behind her back. Ginny liked Iliana as their mindsets were mostly the same. Iliana was a silent and reserved person. However, she tended to choose the wrong path at times too. Ginny, of course, was not a silent person but all these years of staying isolated changed her deeply and the old Ginny who everyone knew laid buried under this new Ginny. No matter how hard she tried, she could not get that old attitude of hers back so she gave up the attempts a long time ago.

"We were just coming from the nearby restaurant, thought to visit you on the way." Iliana spoke up.

"Yep, mind if we come in?" Kathy asked and Ginny nodded, although begrudgingly. The three girls entered the house and looked around. They had been to this place for about two times and Ginny could tell that Kathy did not like it.

"Want anything to eat?" Ginny asked, trying to sound polite as she switched the TV off. She did not bother to take the CD out though as she would be watching the tape after they would leave.

"Some chips, please," Kathy said and Ginny nodded and left to the kitchen. She could hear Kathy talking to Iliana about her house and how Ginny's flat was no match to it.

"It's really bare. Just the furniture and some family photos. I can't spot a guy here, can you Ils?"

"I don't think she ever had any significant other. Besides, it is none of our business." Ginny heard Iliana say.

"You're no fun. Look, I am gonna find that answer out today and it's going to be fun." Ginny rolled her eyes and walked back to the living room with a tray of chips. She set them down and just as she was about to sit down, she heard a loud tapping noise accompanied by a hoot from her bedroom. Her friends were muggles and therefore did not know about owl posts so they started a line of questioning. To avoid it, she told them to have the chips and wait until she would check out with the noise and come back.

She walked to her bedroom but made sure to keep an ear in the living room. She spotted a tawny owl and let it in. It flew in and perched itself on her night lamp. A letter was attached to it's feet. Ginny quickly untied the letter and started to read it.

Meanwhile in the living room, Kathy had switched the TV on and the CD was still paused. She started to play it while lowering the volume.

"No Kat. You shouldn't do that!" Iliana warned in vain.

"She won't mind. We are her best friends and co-workers after all."

The picture showed a brunette and a red hed, similar to Ginny with freckles. Kathy assumed him to be her brother.

"Oh Harry, Teddy has missed you," the brunette said.

"I know. Listen, have you seen Ginny?" The voice from the camera's side came. Kathy and Iliana's eyes widened. Kathy looked sideways at Nia and found her staring into space but she knew better that Nia was listening in as well. Kathy resumed watching.

"She's upstairs in her bedroom. Probably getting dressed. Don't go peeking mate!" the red haired boy warned, although jokingly. A loud snort was heard.

"Honestly? I'm engaged to her for Merlin's sake and I won't give that up because I tried to peek in. I thought you were more intelligent than that Ron," the voice from the camera's side said. The redhead shrugged. "Hermione, please take the camera till then. I want to talk to her about some Hogsmeade arrangements," the voice said and the brunette nodded. A very loud shuffling was heard and the camera focused on a black haired man walking away. His back was turned and Kathy could not see his face. Ginny was or maybe is engaged? The thought had not even completely processed in Kathy's mind before she saw a very enraged Ginny standing in front of them, her hands folded across her chest.

"!" she shouted.

"I was not trying to pry okay? I was merely curious. Are you engaged, Gi-" Kathy started but was cut off rather rudely by the furious redhead.

"Get out of my house!" she screamed. Kathy scoffed and got up, so did Nia who was still lost in her own world. Iliana wore an apologetic smile. "Never come back again. Go to your grand house instead, Kathy!"

"Yeah I will. I don't care anymore. I got to know that you are lying to us. I thought we were besties - more than best friends. Well, bye then." With that, Kathy pulled Iliana away and Nia followed them out of the house. Ginny slammed the door shut and looked at the parchment in her hands.

"Harry is released. Come to The Burrow as soon as you can." was written in Hermione's tiny handwriting.

Did you like this chapter? Yup, Harry is released. I originally wanted to include that as well but the chapter turned out to be too long. The friends incident was inspired by a real life incident experienced by me. Most of the story is, in fact, things that happened to me. Besides the romance part, yes. The sadness too is influenced by my mood. (Still trying to recover from depression haha). Goody, I'm just rambling. Sorry for the delay, I was a tad bit busy what with all the Nouvel An contest winners. Congratulations to the winners! (If you ever read this story.) Anyways, hope you liked the chapter. Thank you!

Miyoko x

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