Chapter 2

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Aderi arrived at the town, it was crowded and noisy. But the atmosphere is a very happy one.

"M'lady, if you want to buy new dresses I can recommend a shop, my wife loves to shop there," the driver of her carriage said with a smile.

"Thank you for the suggestion, but I'm here to merely explore not to buy things" Aderi replied with a smile.

"Alright, M'lady. I'll park the carriage there, come back when you're done" the driver said pointing in a direction.

"Alright" Aderi smiled, the driver then drives off leaving her alone there.

Aderi then started looking around, She spotted food stalls and it intrigued her. The food here is like normal food stalls like in the real world, so she wasn't alerted if things are safe to eat.

"Miss! You're so pretty! I bet this necklace will go well with your hair color and eyes" the vendor of a jewelry store said calling out to Aderi who was standing looking at the food stalls that are lined up next to each other.

"oh...I'm good" Aderi smiled warmly rejecting the vendor's offer.

"Please...just a quick look?" The vendor smiled warmly at Aderi. Aderi hesitated for a moment but gave in, the necklace was indeed beautiful along with the other things the vendor was selling. Aderi walked closer to the vendor.

"Try it on miss," the vendor said handing Aderi a piece of red necklace shaped like a butterfly. Aderi took the necklace and put it on herself, the vendor held out a mirror so Aderi could check out the necklace on her neck.

"It is indeed beautiful!" Aderi said wowed, the jewel was well crafted and it was shining just by being hit by the sunlight. The color indeed also complemented Aderi's hair color too.

"I'll take it!" Aderi said smiling as she took out her pouch and gave the vendor one gold coin, the vendor was shocked.

"A-a gold coin!?" The vendor said shocked at Aderi's offer.

"Is it not enough?" Aderi asked questioning the vendor with worry in her voice, she didn't want to be embarrassed here right now, especially since it was her first time here.

"No miss, it's too much! The necklace is only worth 4 bronze coins!" The vendor answered.

"Uhm...keep the change then," Aderi replied with an awkward smile not knowing the value of currency here.

"Young miss this is too much!" the vendor answered rejecting her offer again. Aderi was standing there not knowing what to do, she has no idea how the currency works here.

"Uhm...give me the necessary amount of jewelry to be worth 1 gold coin then" Aderi answered with an awkward smile.


In the end, the vendor gave Aderi all of the jewelry he was selling.

"This is not enough...I'm sorry all of this jewelry is not enough for the gold coin!" The vendor said with an awkward smile, Aderi also gave an awkward smile now that she was holding a bag full of jewelry.

"Keep the change, no need to worry" Aderi smiled awkwardly.

"But young miss...all of this still doesn't add to the value of a cold coin, once I craft more jewels I promise to give it to you m'lady, please give me a month," The vendor said in a panic.

"Please...I insist you take the remaining change, don't worry about it, please?" Aderi said with an awkward smile. The vendor was moved into tears.

"Thank you, young miss!" The vendor smiled happily as he bowed.

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