Chapter 23

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"Cael! Bad news!" Jake said as he arrived at Caelias balcony again in the middle of the night.

"How is the investigation?" Caelias asked as he diverted his attention from the paper he was reading to Jake.

"That was made with black magic," Jake said stressed as he gave the pills back to Caelias.

"What!?" Caelias asked shocked.

"How did your girlfriend even get a hold of that black magic-infused pill? Seriously, I thought that kind of thing was banned for hundreds of years now?" Jake exclaimed.

"She's not my girlfriend..." Caelias replied firmly.

"Seriously!? Out of all the things I said that part is the only one you have a comment in!?" Jake asked shocked.

"I was just correcting you!" Caelias replied.

"Besides that...what else did you find about this?" Caelias asked, changing the topic.

"The effects are anger and irritation..." Jake replied.

"Any cure?" Caelias asked.

"Apparently since the caster isn't a professional one, if someone's feelings are enough to move the feelings of the one affected, the spell breaks" Jake explained. Caelias nodded.

"Any other thing to take note of?" Caelias asked. Jake nodded.

"The person being affected by this can hurt someone...after they break free from the spell they become confused on why they did those actions...they remember it clearly, but the feeling of regret is being blocked, so as long as you are under the influence of this, you won't feel guilty" Jake explained. Caelias shook his head.

"Go to Aderi right now and tell her everything, give this bottle back to her too...her birthday will be in 2 days, I want her birthday to be with her father, having fun and not being shut out by her only parent," Caelias said determined to make Aderi's birthday to be her happiest day.

"Isn't she gonna be asleep at this hour?" Jake asked confused as he folded his arms.

"Wake her up, this is an important matter for her, it's almost midnight meaning there will only be 1 day left, I want her to do something to make her father normal before her birthday, her coming of age ceremony" Caelias explained determined.

"You are so determined" Jake chuckled seeing how dedicated Caelias is.

"I've seen how she know that too, I want her to be happy" Caelias replied smiling.

"How about you? When will you reveal yourself?" Jake asked.

"On her birthday..." Caelias replied firmly. Jake nodded.

"Fine, I'll go to her now," Jake said pulling his hood up.


Aderi was sitting on her bed, she couldn't sleep, so she was reading a book to pass the time.

She then heard a knock on her glass balcony door. Aderi looked at her door and froze. A person was standing there in a hood.

She quickly went to the door opening it thinking it was her long-lost friend. But, she was disappointed when she saw a different color of eyes looking back at her reddish-pink eyes.

"Who are you?" Aderi asked realizing what a big mistake she just made. She took a few steps backward. The man took a few steps forward as he took off the hood of his cloak.

"My name is Jake...pleasure meeting you Lady Callista, I'm sent by his highness, Caelias," Jake said formally introducing himself. Aderi relaxed a little hearing what the man told her.

"What brings you here?" Aderi asked as she took another few steps back so Jake can enter.

"I'm here to give this back to you and to inform you of the things we have found about it" Jake answered as he gave the small bottle back containing the "vitamins" back to Aderi.

"Wait--already?" Aderi asked. She was shocked at how fast Caelias found the ingredients.

"Yes, his highness was in a hurry to give this mission to me, so I did not waste time to go look for the ingredients of this" Jake said proudly, Aderi nodded nervously, she was nervous at what Jake is gonna say next.

"This "vitamin" is made out of black's fascinating on seeing black magic since it's banned for so long. The effects are irritation and anger. A person who took this will suddenly feel irritated and angry to the person targeted by the caster"

"Good thing the caster isn't a professional, so if someone's feelings are enough to move another person's feelings, the spell can be broken...the victim of this potion cannot feel guilt while being affected by this, they can hurt someone at that moment but won't regret it, that is not until the spell is broken-- since the potion blocks the emotion of guilt" Jake explained to Aderi. Aderi's heart sank at what she just heard.

"Wow...thank you very much, Sir Jake," Aderi said clenching the small bottle in her hands.

"Could it be possible my stepmother is the caster?" Aderi mumbled.

"Yes, that is what I suspect" Jake who heard Aderi, replied to her statement.

"O-oh...but I don't have any evidence" Aderi replied.

"Indeed that is true, but if she is caught a serious punishment is awaiting her, and that would be beheading her" Jake replied. Aderi's eyes widen as an image flashed in her mind. It was Aderi's execution.

"Are you okay? You don't seem well?" Jake asked as he noticed Aderi's hands were shaking and she was silent. Aderi nodded her head.

"A-anyway...I don't think I can find any evidence against her, ah-- switching the topic, what should I do to move my father's feelings?" Aderi asked changing the topic and ignoring the fear she felt when the image flashed in her mind.

"Probably hugging him? Fathers like hugs from their daughters, that's what I see people do" Jake replied.

"Aren't I too old for that?" Aderi asked frowning.

"Ah...indeed" Jake replied awkwardly.

"Have you broken his spell before? I heard that you and Duke Callista have a nice relationship these days" Jake asked, Aderi nodded.

"Yes, But I don't know how I did it, maybe I wasn't the one who did it...I think it was my grandfather" Aderi replied.

"Maybe try shouting at him, plan b would be hugging him" Jake suggested.

"Sure...I just hope plan a would work, before I use plan b" Aderi said.

"About what you said take this" Jake said as he gave Aderi a pendant.

"What is it?" Aderi asked examining the blue pendant Jake gave her.

"If it comes into contact with a trace of black magic it will turn red, trying holding it up to the bottle" Jake replied. Aderi did what she was told. And indeed the pendant turned red.

"Maybe try sneaking up in her room, and if it glows red come and contact Caelias, I'll let him know what I gave you" Jake answered. Aderi nodded with a smile.

"Jake...before you go, could you tell Caelias to hold this for me? I don't feel safe having it" Aderi replied. Jake nodded and took the bottle of "vitamins"

"Thank you for your help, and send my gratitude to Caelias for helping me," Aderi said smiling.

"He was more than happy helping you, and so did I" Jake smiled.

"Can you tell Caelias that if he also needs help I would be more glad on helping him, and of course if you also need help come and find me" Aderi offered. Jake nodded with a smile.

"Sure, thanks for the offer, your words will reach Caelias, I got to go now-- have a nice evening Lady Callista" Jake replied as he left through the balcony again.

"I'll find my opportunity with you, that I know why the duke acts aggressively towards Aderi" Aderi thought as she held the pendant tightly.

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