Chapter 36

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2 days have passed since Aderi received a confession, it was keeping her all night, she doesn't know what to do or how to feel once Lucas comes back for answers.

She was sitting on her chair near the balcony door reading a book, but she cannot focus due to the "Lucas situation" Her gaze shifted from the book she was reading to her bedroom door.

"the knights won't leave me alone just for a moment...I want to take a walk in the garden even just for a minute without any knights" Aderi mumbled with a frown as she looked at her bedroom door. She followed what she said with a defeated sigh. After all...once she leaves her room, one of the two knights outside guarding her door would follow her wherever she goes.

"hmm..." Aderi hummed as her gaze shifted to the balcony door, she thought about going out through the balcony but it quickly sink into her about the consciences of her actions if she does do it.

"Is it...too risky? Or should I go for it?" Aderi mumbled asking herself, she immediately shook her head as a 'no'. She looked down at her book before putting the bookmark on it and closing it.

"Better to go out in the front door and ask my father for permission than worry him and get grounded," Aderi said sighing as she sat up from her chair. She placed the book she was reading on the chair before grabbing a shawl that was hanging on her bed frame. She started covering herself as she walked towards the door.

upon opening it the knights looked at her. After closing the door behind her and started walking in the direction of her father's office, one of the knights started following her like always.


*knock, knock, knock*

"come in!" Thomas responded on the other side of the door. Aderi opened the door.

"Father...may I request to go outside alone in the garden?" Aderi immediately asked upon opening the door. Thomas was taken aback for a moment before he let out a sigh.

"But's still dangerous for you to go alone," Thomas said with a worried frown as he took off his glasses. Aderi didn't want to back down so she opened her mouth to speak again.

"Please father...even just for 5 minutes, it feels suffocating when knights are always with me," Aderi said begging her father, she knew she was being stubborn but she wanted to have a getaway walk for even just a moment with no one around.

"I--" Thomas said trying to object but he saw the look in his daughter's eyes, her eyes indeed looks like she was suffocating here and she looks sad. A sigh can be heard from Thomas before he spoke again.

"Fine...but be careful and be back!, I'll give you 10 minutes since by the time your 5 minutes is up you probably just got down in the garden...but please be careful," Thomas said in a calm tone, Aderi's eyes lit up with joy.

"YES! THANK YOU, FATHER!" Aderi said happily as she did a tiny jump, Thomas cannot help but smile. he made his daughter happy with a mere permission pass.

"Go ahead now...before the night gets even deeper, I'll send a knight to get you once your 10 minutes is up," Thomas said with a smile, Aderi nodded and turned around.

"You heard the duke, right?" Aderi asked the knight who was behind her. he nodded and bowed.

"Yes, m'lady...please enjoy your walk," The knight said, Aderi nodded in response. He looked back at her father.

"Once again, Father...thank you!" She said with a wide smile as she closed the door. Once the door closed a quiet giggle can be heard from Thomas.

"You still act like a child sometimes...I'm glad, you aren't ready for this cruel world yet, please do take your time growing, my daughter" Thomas said with a smile as he looked at the door his daughter closed a moment ago.

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