Chapter 29

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[3 days later]

"It was nice going out with you, Lady Aderi," Ari said greeting Aderi with a smile.

"the feeling is mutual" Aderi said greeting back with a smile.

Aderi asked Ari to go with her today for some tea in town. Thomas was the one who suggested this so his daughter's mood could light up, he doesn't know what was going on but he didn't want to make his daughter uncomfortable by asking, so he is trying to make his daughter's mood to lit up by doing little things here and there.

"How have you been lately?" Ari asked as she noticed Aderi was a little quieter than usual.

"Well...I guess it's good?" Aderi said putting on a smile, but her tone was unsure and Ari noticed it.

"Are you sure, Lady Aderi? I don't mean to pry into your personal life this much but...I noticed that your smile is a little low and seemed weak..." Ari said pointing out what she noticed, Aderi dropped her smile and nodded after knowing there is no point in hiding it anyway.

"is everything alright? you don't need to tell me I just need a yes or no...or maybe--you don't need to tell me what happened" Ari said comforting Aderi, Ari is making sure Aderi knows that she is there for her.

"well...remember that person I told you about?" Aderi asked. Ari tilted her head a little in confusion.

"Which one?" Ari asked.

"the friend I was talking about, the one that looks like you," Aderi said describing Cael's looks.

"ah, yes! Uhm...what about him?" Ari asked still confused.

"I finally met him," Aderi said looking down.

"Really?! congrats!" Ari said happily. but her smile slowly dropped when she saw Aderi was looking down.

"Shouldn't you supposed to be...happy?" Ari asked confused looking at Aderi.

"yeah I should be...but, how would you feel if that person lied to you and hid his identity?" Aderi said asking Ari. Ari was quiet for a little thinking about what she would reply.

"I would feel hurt and betrayed" Ari replied.

"Exactly! he didn't even bother sending me a letter, I was so worried about him! and yet...all along he was hiding among others," Aderi said venting to Ari about how she felt.

"I..." Ari said but stopped.

"I...don't know what to say, Lady Aderi, nor how to comfort you," Ari said as she felt useless not knowing how to comfort her friend.

"It's okay..." Aderi said as she gave Ari a small smile.

"I feel so hurt...I know social media isn't a thing here but letters do!" Aderi said looking down.

"" Ari asked after being confused about the word social media.

"It's nothing..." Aderi replied, and Ari just nodded.

"let's lighten up the mood, I don't want to vent all throughout our time together," Aderi said changing the mood.

"Alright! what shall we talk about?" Ari asked eager to make Aderi happy.

"hmm...I really don't know what to talk about since I don't read the newspaper" Aderi said as she was trying to think of a topic, but all she could think about were drama and scandals in her previous life in the real world.

"how about the hunting event?" Ari suggested after seeing Aderi struggle so much.

"oh? there will be a hunting event?" Aderi asked surprised. Ari nodded with a smile.

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