Chapter 20

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"I wonder why the king wants to see you? M'lady," One of the maids spoke curiously as she was doing Aderi's hair.

"Of course, they are gonna ask the lady to be one of their prince's brides!" The other maid in the corner squealed.

"I just hope it won't be that..." Aderi thought to herself.

Today the maids woke her up early, they bathe her in the most expensive soaps and shampoo. Along with the flowers that grew in the Lacita's manor.

All that Aderi could think of when she was being bathed is

"is this all necessary?"

"It's done, m'lady!" The maid who was doing her hair said. Aderi's hair was in a bun that had been braided first before whirling it into a bun. The maid also left some hair in the front to frame Aderi's face.

"I also put the ribbon you requested in the back m'lady," the maid said, Aderi nodded.

"Thank you!" Aderi said thanking the maids.

"It's our pleasure m'lady!" All of the maids said answering.

"I really need Cael's support right now...I wonder how he is" Aderi thought about her dear friend Cael who disappeared after that day. The ribbon...his last gift to her was the only thing that can make Aderi grow stronger when she is alone.

"Let's go m'lady the carriage is waiting," the maids said, Aderi nodded as she stood up.


"We're already at the main gate of the castle...the ride was fast" Aderi mumbled to herself as she looked outside the window of the carriage.

The guards didn't stop her since the carriage she was riding was the carriage of the Callista that has a flag with the Callista's symbol on it.


"Welcome lady callista" the butler of the royal family greeted her when the door of the carriage opened.

"Thank you for greeting me," Aderi said smiling as the butler helped Aderi get out of the carriage.

"It's my pleasure m'lady,...the king and the two princes are waiting in the garden, please...let me escort you," the butler said, Aderi nodded and she followed the butler from behind.

"The palace is big...I didn't get the chance to explore and look around at the banquet, after all, there were a lot of people" Aderi thought to herself as she scanned that hallway while following the butler.


"Your Majesty, Lady Callista has arrived" the butler announced. The king stood up.

"Please come forward Lady Callista," the king said happily.

Aderi did a curtsy.

"I greet the sun of the kingdom and the stars of the kingdom," Aderi said while doing a curtsy, greeting the king and two princes.

"No need for that, come Lady Callista," the king said, Aderi walked towards them.

The butler pulled a seat for Aderi. Aderi sat and the butler left.

"Would you look at that...these two were glaring at each other before you came, now they are in good spirits" the king teased, Aderi looked at the two princes, scanning them. Indeed the two look calm and innocent.

Aderi was sitting in front of the king, on her left was prince Ronan and on her right was prince Caelias.

"Ahem...anyway it's ashamed your father couldn't come...but I heard you both are getting along well" the king said, Aderi nodded.

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