Chapter 32

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"Ah! Lady Callista and Miss Duncan, care to join us for tea?" One of the ladies asked.

"Sure, thank you for the invite, Lady Smith" Aderi replied with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, m'lady" Lady Smith replied with respect due to Aderi having a much higher status than her.

Aderi and Ari sat down next to each other as Lady Smith poured them their tea.

"thank you very much for the tea" Aderi said thanking Lady Smith.

"Yes indeed, thank you very much, Lady Smith," Ari said also thanking the lady.

"My pleasure" Lady Smith replied with a smile.

across Aderi was her stepmother, she was glaring at Aderi but Aderi brushed it off.

"So Lady Aderi, I heard it's your first time in a hunting festival, how are you liking it so far?" One of the ladies in the circle asked.

"It's very nice, the atmosphere is very great, I'm looking forward to what the event is going to be like" Aderi replied with a smile.

"Why did you attend only now?" One of the ladies asked again. before Aderi couldn't even answer her stepmother butted in.

"Cause she is a lock-in, her father is so bewildered by her behavior that it was hard for her to take around" Leni replied for Aderi. the other gasped.

"Now, now...mother, don't spread nonsense in a place like this. in the manor we all know that you hated me so much that you have forbidden my father to take me out," Aderi said calmly as she sipped her tea. everyone gasped again and started whispering to one another.

"I never knew they have a rocky relationship"

"me neither!"

"no wonder they don't attend the same events"

"Is the duchess...mistreating the one and only heir of the Callista?"

"ehem-- I hope you don't mind me butting in, but I also heard you were scared of your face" One of the men in the crowd joined in. Aderi knew who it was since she studied all of the nobles. he was Viscount Ronald. Leni smirked and Aderi knew that the viscount is a friend of Leni.

"Excuse me, not to be so rude Viscount...but I know Aderi for so long and there is no such thing that happened as that" Someone spoke from behind Aderi, and Aderi knew who it was.

"Now, now need to get so upset, what he said is true" Aderi replied. everyone gasped again. everyone was shocked including Lucas.

"I also heard you were a disgrace in the Callista's because you weren't announced when you were born," Another one of Leni's friends said as she followed it with a giggle. this girl was the wife of Viscount Ronald. her name was Mira.

"you also belittle status, you respect people like those people beside you but not respecting people with higher rank" Another one of Leni's friends followed Mira's insult. this one was Baron Alex.

Leni kept smirking, and Aderi knew all of these people speaking up were her friends since no one knows this information.

"it seems like playing nice isn't working in my favor today," Aderi said as she followed it with a short chuckle. after that, she smiled at Leni and her friends, her eyes though tell a different story.

"If we are talking about status, you three combined is nothing compared to me, a young lady who as you said was recently introduced," Aderi said as she put her teacup down.

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