Chapter 31

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[A couple of weeks later]

Aderi was getting ready to attend the hunting event with her father. she was wearing a royal blue dress that represents the Callista's representative color. in the end, Leni decided to come with them

"So the day has come, I'm pretty sure my father will win this one, he always comes victorious in this event," Aderi thought while the maids are preparing her.

"The downside is I'll see Cael...seriously, I was trying to avoid the 'Crown prince' but ended up being friends with him without me knowing just because I forgot a chapter," Aderi thought as she clenched her fists.

"M'lady, which jewelry would you like to wear?" One of the maids asked, Aderi looked at the option and saw the necklace Cael gave her in her debutante.

"I'll choose the blue one," Aderi said looking at the other necklace.

"Got it, m'lady," The maid said as she carefully took the necklace out from the box.

"m'lady, do you know whose gift is that from?" One of the maids asked.

"No, I cannot remember every single one of the presents" Aderi replied.

"the only gift I remember are those gifts given by people who I'm close to," Aderi thought looking at the necklace that was in the maid's hands.

"This necklace is from the prince of bisoplain," The maid said revealing the sender of the present.

"Ah, I see..." Aderi replied not knowing how to react.

"Why did you ask me who gave this to me?" Aderi asked confused.

"The prince of bisoplain will be attending this year's hunting festival, I just thought the prince will see it as a respect for him and his country," the maid said smiling.

"I see.." Aderi replied, but she was still confused by how the maids reacted.


"Ah Aderi, are you finally ready?" Thomas asked after seeing her going down the stairs.

"Yes I am, father" Aderi replied with a smile.

"Seriously...why gotta bring her with us, couldn't you just not bring her like before?!" Leni asked thomas while fanning herself with her fan.

"Now, now, Leni...Aderi needs to attend these kinds of events since she needs to be cultured, and if I'm being real with you, I wished I'd taken her sooner in these kinds of events" Thomas replied. Leni didn't like the answer and she rolled her eyes.

"Enough chit-chat, let's go," Thomas said. Leni was the first one to go out of the door, while Aderi and her father stayed for a little.

"Don't mind her" Thomas said to Aderi reassuring her that she will be fine.

"Don't worry father, I'm used to her looking down on me" Aderi replied.

"I hope her behavior towards you changes," Thomas said patting Aderi on her shoulder.

" you love her?" Aderi asked.

"Well if I'm being," Thomas responded whispering so no one will hear. Leni was already in the carriage but her maids were a little closer to Aderi and Thomas.

"Then...why bother on staying?" Aderi asked with a frown.

"Well...divorcing her will lead the position of duchess vacant, and it will lead to another crisis...when your mother died people were trying to take advantage of that to make the Callista's fall" Thomas replied.

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