Chapter 33

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" are officially registered," Thomas said telling Aderi the news.

"Thank you very much, father!" Aderi thanked her father with a smile.

"You should also say thank you to his majesty later," Thomas said. Aderi nodded.

"Will do, father" Aderi replied.

"The hunt is about to start soon...get ready, I have a separate bow, I brought it even though I'm going to use my sword, but-- it's a good thing I brought it with me since you will be using it," Thomas said as a servant of his gave the bow to Aderi.

"Thank you, father," Aderi said thanking Thomas as she accepted the bow.

"I'll go get ready myself now," Thomas said before walking away.

"Wait, Father!" Aderi said stopping Thomas.

"Yes?" Thomas asked as he turned to Aderi again.

"Here, take's a lucky charm," Aderi said as she took out a small pouch.

"Thank you...but are you sure you want to give me this? I'm your opponent in the hunt" Her father asked jokingly. both of them laughed.

"Of course" Aderi answered.

"Well then...thank you, and good luck on the hunt," Thomas said with a smile. Aderi nodded and with that Thomas left.

"That's the first time I saw the duke smile," Lucas said after Thomas left.

"He's different now...but he still wears that cold look on his face when with others" Aderi responded to Lucas.

"Here Lucas, I have one for you as well," Aderi said also giving Lucas a lucky charm.

"W-wow...thank you," Lucas said as he opened up his hands. Aderi placed the lucky charm in his hands.

"Is it not to your liking?" Aderi asked since Lucas was only looking at the lucky charm.

"Of course, it's to my liking! what are you talking about?!" Lucas asked defensively as he closed his hands with the lucky charm in his palm. indeed he liked the lucky charm a lot.

"Phew...I thought you didn't like it since I'm not good at sewing" Aderi said chuckling.

"Anything that you give me will be to my don't worry too much," Lucas said with a smile.

"Hearing that made me relax a bit," Aderi said as she let out a sigh.

"Well... I'll go get ready," Aderi said to Ari and Lucas. Ari was at Aderi's side since the very beginning but was quiet since Aderi was talking to a lot of people.

"Good luck Lady Aderi," Ari said wishing Aderi good luck.

"Good luck, I'll see you after the hunt," Lucas said with a smile.

"Thank you, and good luck to you Lucas" Aderi said thanking the two. after that she left to go to her station. she received one after she was registered in the hunt.

"I've never hunted before...but I did play archery in my school," Aderi thought as she was walking back to her station.

"I hope my mvp skills are enough-" Her thoughts were cut off when she was pulled by the arm.

"Wha-" Aderi reacted but when she saw the person's face she stopped.

"Carl?" Aderi asked. Her confused reaction turned into an angry one.

"what do you want?" Aderi asked demanding answers as she folded her arms together.

"Are you sure you want to join the hunt?" Caelias asked with worry in his eyes.

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