Chapter 5

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Aderi was woken up by the sound of rustling, she opened her eyes and it was already dark outside, the lights inside her room were all shut indicating no one opened them for the whole day. She sat up to investigate the rustling sound.

"You're finally awake," The boy from yesterday said, Aderi's eyes widen.

"y-you again!? I told you to not come back again!" Aderi said as she pointed at the boy, the boy just laughed at her.

"I told you that I'll come again," The boy said as he walked towards Aderi.

"Here eat this, I checked the door and it was locked and I heard what happened to you after I overheard your maids," The boy said, Aderi looked at the container that the boy was holding. Aderi hesitantly grabbed the container.

"Thank you," Aderi said thanking the boy, the boy sat down next to her.

"Before you get ahead of me, that is not poisoned, I have no benefits on poisoning you after all," The boy said as he opened another container, Aderi also did the same.

"I didn't even think about that," Aderi said with a frown.

"Look at me," The boy said, Aderi looked at him and the boy pushed her on the forehead with one finger.

"Are you stupid? Be suspicious of others sometimes, other people have bad intentions, you know? Even if you know that person well, suspect them once in a while," The boy said, Aderi held her forehead, it was only one finger that pushed her but it was surprisingly strong.

"Yeah, I know that! But are you saying that you're not trustworthy?" Aderi asked glaring at the boy.

"I'm pretty trustworthy, I'm just afraid you might do the same to others," The boy said as he took one big bite of his food.

"Why do you care about me?" Aderi asked with a doubting look.

"Just eat your food! Don't ask any more questions" The boy answered, Aderi sighed and opened the container. She then took one bite of the food and her eyes lit up.

"Tew fowd taeste gwio," Aderi said speaking even with her mouth full, the boy frowned.

"Stop talking with your mouth full! you'll choke" The boy scolded, Aderi nodded as she chew the food, the food was good like a professional high-ranking chef made it.

"This is so good! Who made it!?" Aderi asked excitedly. The boy paused for a moment.

"Someone I know" the boy answered.

"I forgot to ask you, what's your name?" Aderi asked after she realized she haven't even gotten the chance to ask the boy's name.

"It's better if you don't know" the boy answered, Aderi's jaw dropped in shock.

"You already know my name! Isn't it fair to also know yours?" Aderi protested. The boy sighed and looked at Aderi.

"I'm someone who's gonna appear and go, it's better to not know my name" The boy answered, Aderi sighed in frustration.

"Not even a nickname?" Aderi asked disappointed, the boy paused for a while before he opened his mouth to answer.

"Cael," he said as he took another bite of his food. Aderi looked at the boy confused.

"What?" Aderi asked confused. Another sigh can be heard coming from the boy.

"My nickname, Cael, just call me that," he said looking at Aderi and waiting for her response. Aderi smiled.

"Call me Aderi then" Aderi smiled, and the boy frowned confused.

"Only friends can call each other by their names, and not to mention, you are a noble lady...I'm a commoner so we can be called by our names, but it cannot be the same to you," Cael said frowning, Aderi sighed again.

"I granted you my permission so it's alright, you even helped me today, and as for the noble lady part... Am I one when no one knows my identity?" Aderi asked. Cael nodded.

"Of course, you are considered a noble even if no one knows you yet," Cael said sighing, Aderi looked at Cael.

"do you know...some nobles and even royalty are living like you? No one knows who they are and they are also living terrible lives" Cael asked as he looked at Aderi waiting for her response.

"What do you mean?" Aderi asked confused.

"Just because you have the status of a noble and royalty doesn't mean you'll live a pretty happy life...sometimes, having a commoner's life is better," Cael said as he let out another sigh.

"I get what you mean...I wanna run away, the path I'm taking is not bright either," Aderi said with a sad look on her face. Cael's eyes widen in shock at what Aderi said.

"What do you mean by that?" Cael asked after being confused by Aderi's words.

"I feel like history will repeat itself, like a book that you read, the more you read it from start to end, the characters inside are forced to relive that experience, what if...I'm destined to die?" Aderi spoke with despair in her voice, she was scared at what was about to come, she didn't wanna experience Aderi's execution like in the book.

"Aren't we all destined to die?" The boy asked, Aderi looked up at Cael.

"I mean, yeah but...what if it comes sooner," Aderi asked, Cael shook his head.

"Then that means, it's your time" Cael answered calmly.

"What if your death is because of people that drove you to kill another person, what if your death is an execution?" Aderi asked again. Cael shook his head disappointed.

"You have a lot of 'what if' you know? If you think you're gonna die young then try and fight fate!" Cael said confidently, Aderi's jaw dropped.

"Easier said than done!" Aderi remarked.

"It's just a suggestion..." Cael replied.

"Have you ever fought your fate to not die young?" Aderi asked curiously, Cael looked at Aderi before nodding.

"Life is running like a bunch of cogwheels, if you stop one, all of it stops, so stop an event in your life that you don't want, try and delay your death, maybe it will change the results. If you want, you can even replace the cogwheels with new ones, with that everything in your life will change" Cael said, Aderi silently giggled. Cael was right after all.

"You're right" Aderi smiled. Cael stood up.

"I'll try to stop by again if you ever feel lost, just remember you have a friend who is just like you, and it's non-other than me," Cael said with a happy grin, he looks so proud of himself.

"Continue eating, I'll go now," Cael said as he ran out of the balcony where he entered.

Aderi looked at her unfinished food with a smile.

"It's nice having a friend in this world" Aderi smiled happily, now she has a friend to who she can talk.


"She's that happy I became her friend?" Cael asked himself, he still didn't leave yet, he was just hiding behind the wall, and he heard what Aderi said.

"Very well then, Aderi Nova Callista, I'll be your only friend in this world, your friend group will soon grow, so I know you'll be much happier," Cael said with a visible smile on his face before he finally left.

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