Chapter 22

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"Hey, old man!" Jake said as he entered the tavern, he was wearing a hood to conceal his whereabouts.

"Ah, good to see you again," the man said smiling.

"Can I get a red lime?" Jake asked, the old man nodded.

"Same as usual, huh?" The man said, Jake nodded.

"Right this way," the man said leading Jake to the back.

In the back was another door leading to an underground room, this is where people get their sketchy information or hire people to assassinate their enemies. The code is 'red lime'. Say that to the bartender and he'll take you to the underground.

"Go ahead, the guy will be waiting," the bartender said opening the door. Jake went straight down without saying another word.


"Ah, your's been a long time, hasn't it? I almost thought you quit being an investigator to your master" the man said as he saw Jake. Jake took off the hood of his cloak.

"I want you to find the ingredients of this medication, I want the information in 3 days," Jake said tossing the bottle to the man.

"No problem...come back here tomorrow," the man said smiling in delight.

"How much?" Jake asked as he tilted his head, crossing his arms and waiting for an answer.

"1000 gold coins" the man smiled.

"Here, it's 1500 gold, take everything," Jake said as he took out a pouch filled with gold coins.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Jake," the man said happily.

"I'll come back tomorrow," Jake said as he put his hood back on his head.

He left the room mumbling.

"I forgot to ask Caelias for the payment, I have to come back to him to get my money back, after all, I paid that with my own money," Jake said mumbling.


It was now morning, and while Aderi is getting ready with the help of the maids, a letter for her from the imperial palace came. In 2 days she will be an official adult. and if she doesn't play her cards right, in 2 years, the real Aderi's execution will occur.

'Dear Lady Callista,

I would like to have a list of people you personally would like to invite, I know you are skeptical about everything and about what others would say, but take this as my gratitude for helping the boys behave yesterday. I will be sending another letter addressed to your father shortly so we can talk everything out. Also, the royal family of the bisoplain will be at your celebration, hope you don't mind their presence. A team of professionals will be there to take your measurements and to sketch the dress you like, it might be short notice for someone to make a dress but worry not, I've paid them handsomely so their time will be all for your dress. If you have any concerns please feel free to write them in your letter along with the guest you want to invite.

Sincerely, His Majesty Keane'

"I don't even have that many people I know outside of the characters that got introduced in the novel," Aderi said to herself as she looked outside the window in front of her desk. Right now she was at her own study.

"I appreciate them doing the work since preparing for a party will be hectic, especially on short notice. But if it were the royal family it will be done in no time" Aderi mumbled.

"Alright time to write my response, first of course Lucas and his parents, and his older brother sir Luke. Next, my grandparents on my father's side, since my lacita grandparents are already of course included, after all... high-ranking nobles are always present at other noble's celebrations..." Aderi said as she started writing.

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