Chapter 18

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After a week passed her grandparents went back to their manor outside the capital. Right now she and Thomas are outside since they said goodbye to Anna and Michael.

"Aderi...can you come to my office later?" Her father asked.

"We can go now if you want, father," Aderi said, her father smiled.

"Let's go then" her father smiled, and Aderi nodded.

"Their relationship has been good again...what happened between them?"

"Duchess Leni won't like it after she comes back"

The maids whispered among themselves as they saw the two getting along.

Leni was away for weeks now, she was on vacation, so she doesn't know what was going on inside the manor. After all, there was no technology yet and Leni requested she don't want to be bothered while on vacation.


"What is it, father?" Aderi asked as they finally made it inside Thoma's office.

"A letter from the imperial family came this morning," Aderi's father said as he gave the envelope to Aderi.

Aderi took the envelope, it was already opened, of course, his father already read it.

"Go ahead, read it," her father said, Aderi nodded and took the note inside the envelope and she started reading the letter.

'To Duke Callista,

I would like to ask you to permit your daughter to come to visit the palace sometime, I want to discuss something with her if you don't mind, also feel free to come if you'd like, I expect a reply from you duke Callista as well as from your daughter

-Sincerely King Keane'

"Father, what is this all about?" Aderi asked, her father sighed.

"I also don't know, but I think it's something about you dancing with the two princes...did you know after you danced with the two princes they didn't dance with anyone else?" Her father asked, Aderi's jaw dropped.

"So I think this is because of it" her father added.

"They might discuss marriage, if that's the case I don't like where this is going, you'll be an even bigger target by the other nobles," Her father explained as he signed shaking his head. Aderi chuckled.

"It's alright father, who would dare hurt a Callista?" Aderi raised a question.

"A lot" her father answered bluntly. Aderi stayed silent after knowing that her father was right.

"Let's meet them, we wouldn't know the real cause if we don't find out... I'll be going first now, I still have to meet my grandparents," Aderi announced, her father nodded.

"Take care," her father said with a smile. Aderi smiled and nodded and left the office.


"Ah lady Aderi...your grandparents had an emergency meeting with the Bisoplain investor, they said they'll be back before dinner," one of the maids announced after Aderi went out of the carriage.

"It's all right I'll just wait for them," Aderi said with a smile, and they bowed to her.

"Is Lucas here today?" Aderi asked the maids.

"Yes, he is in his usual place," the maid said referring to the garden pavilion.

"If you don't mind I'll go to Lucas right away," Aderi announced.

"We will prepare tea and snacks for you and him, m'lady," the maids said as they bowed, Aderi nodded with a smile as she walked straight to the garden.


"Lucas!" Aderi shouted as she ran to the pavilion, Lucas was ready as usual.

"Your grandparents left to run errands," Lucas told Aderi with a smile.

"I knew that already" Aderi giggled as she sat on the chair in front of Lucas.

Lucas quickly put his bookmark in his book before putting it down.

"You look well...did anything good
arise recently? I heard your grandparents from your father's side visited" Lucas said smiling, Aderi nodded.

"They finally visited after how many years huh?" Lucas said sarcastically.

"It's not their fault, my father told them I died," Aderi explained, Lucas's jaw dropped.

"I swear your father is something else!" Lucas exclaimed. Aderi chuckled.

"Yeah he is...he apologized to me and all, I'm back calling him my father again," Aderi said smiling.

"WHAT!? FILL ME IN THE DETAILS RIGHT NOW!" Lucas said shocked at the news.


After filling in the details of what happened to her this week Lucas finally was on the same track as Aderi.

"Why did he apologize just now? Why couldn't he have done it a few years back?" Lucas asked still not happy with Aderi's father's behavior.

"At least he apologized..." Aderi mumbled.

"Geez...could he have waited for your witch stepmother to go away to apologize?" Lucas asked.

"Who knows to be honest," Aderi said.

"What if that witch is threatening your father to not apologize to you?" Lucas declared a theory.

"Let's not get ahead of things Lucas..." Aderi said. Lucas nodded agreeing.

"Also this morning we received a letter from the imperial family," Aderi announced.

"What is it about?" Lucas asked curiously.

"It didn't say so in the letter, father thinks they might bring up marriage," Aderi said.

"What!? Why?" Lucas asked as he stood up from his chair.

"Cause the two princes danced with me and never danced with anyone else after that?" Aderi said unsure of her answer.

"They what!?" Lucas asked shocked at the news.

"I wish they wouldn't bring up a marriage..." Aderi said as she held her forehead, she can already foreshadow her future headache if they bring up marriage.

"How about getting a boyfriend so they'll leave you alone?" Lucas asked as he walked to Aderi.

"I don't even have a boy in mind to be my boyfriend...And I don't want to use someone" Aderi said.

"How about me?" Lucas asked as he leaned closer to Aderi. Aderi just sat there speechless. Lucas was smiling at Aderi.

"Oh look they are bringing the tea and snacks," Lucas said as he backed away from Aderi, he then went back to his seat.

"Geez...what has gotten into Lucas just now? He only admires Aderi so it's still safe since it wasn't mentioned in the novel that he likes Aderi romantically" Aderi thought to herself looking down to hide her blush.

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