Chapter 15

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"M'LADY! MY LORD!" One of the attendants yelled as they were holding a newspaper as the attendant ran through the halls.

The lord and the lady looked behind at the attendant who was chasing after them.

"Oh dear...what is it?" The lady asked the attendant who stopped in front of them. The attendant was giving them the newspaper as they tried to catch their breath from running at full speed.

"What is it?" The man asked taking the newspaper.

"The...the front it, m'lady and my lord," the attendant said still gasping for air.

The couple who was curious read the front page.

"no way..." The lady said gasping as she put her hand on her mouth, as she took two steps backward.

"No way...isn't our grandaughter...dead?" The lady turned to her husband asking him, her husband who is also shocked nodded to his wife's question.

"M'lady, my lord, she's alive!" The attendant said with a smile.

"M-MAIDS! GO PACK OUR STUFF QUICKLY AND PREPARE A CARRIAGE, WE WILL VISIT THE CALLISTA'S MANOR AT THE CAPITAL TODAY!" The man yelled. The maids bowed before running to their Master's room to pack their things.

"H-how can Thomas lie to us..." The lady asked as she looked down, her husband pulled her in a hug.

"I also don't know dear...but we will find out today," her husband said reassuring his wife.


"Huh...there's an unfamiliar carriage coming," Aderi noticed as she was looking out the window from her bedroom.

"ADERI!" Her father yelled as he opened the door without knocking, Aderi looked at her father.

"What is it? your grace" Aderi asked.

"Get ready! We have guests" her father said as he closed the door leaving.

"Could the carriage be a guest? But why am I needed?" Aderi thought to herself confused, as she tries to think of an event from the novel involving Aderi, but she couldn't think of any.

Aderi stepped away from her window and went to her wardrobe to change. She didn't even bother calling the maids since it may take a while and those guests seem to be expecting her soon.


"Where's the duke?" Aderi asked the butler.

"Ah, lady Aderi they are waiting for you, please proceed inside," the butler said with a smile. He turned around and knocked on the door behind him.

"Lady Aderi has arrived, my lord" the butler announced as he opened the door.

Inside the room were three people, her father, and two unfamiliar people. The woman has brown hair and green eyes, while the man has blonde hair and red eyes like her father.

"M-my granddaughter!" The woman said standing up as she ran to Aderi pulling her into a hug. The woman cried on her shoulder.

" are alive!" The man said as he joined the hug, Aderi was confused and just stood there.

"M-may I ask who you are?" Aderi finally spoke up, the man and woman pulled out of the hug, and the woman and her husband gave her a soft smile.

"My name is Anna Callista...your grandmother, it's nice to finally meet you, dear," the woman who introduced herself as Anna said smiling.

"And I am your grandfather, Michael Callista, it's great to finally meet you" the man that looks like her father said introducing himself.

"You look like your mother both are beautiful," her grandmother said complimenting Aderi.

"Your Grace! Are they my grandparents from your side?" Aderi turned to her father asking him. He just nodded to Aderi.

"Wait...'your grace'? Do you call your father that?" Michael asked Aderi, Aderi nodded.

"May I know the reason, dear?" Anna asked confused with a hint of worry at hearing the news.

"You may take offense to it but, I don't consider him as my father, after all...who blames their child for the death of their wife that cannot be avoided by anyone, he would also believe his new wife instead of his daughter," Aderi said looking down frustrated, the couple was surprised at hearing the news.

"T-Thomas? Is this true!?" Anna asked turning to her son, her son just ignored his mother.


"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! WE DIDN'T RAISE YOU LIKE THIS!" Michael said as he went to his son, Aderi's grandmother Anna hugged Aderi.

"YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND!" Michael yelled as he punched Thomas.

"Anna let's go, the three of us will go out today," Michael said, Anna nodded and took Aderi's hand.

The three went out of the room.

"He deserves that punch," Aderi thought.

"Your grandparents will treat you today to make up for the time we didn't spend with you," Anna spoke with a smile, but her smile was mixed with sadness.

"I-i'm sorry if you have to see me punching your father for the first time we meet," Michael said as he followed it with an awkward chuckle.

"Please don't think that Michael is violent...your father just deserves that punch" Anna also chuckled. Aderi nodded.

"He does deserve that punch" Aderi thought again.


The three of them were now in the carriage heading to the town.

"I forgot to ask your name Aderi Nova?" Her grandmother asked, Aderi nodded.

"Yes, indeed m'lady," Aderi answered with a smile.

"Dear no need to use 'm'lady' call me grandmother, grandma, or granny," Anna said smiling, Aderi nodded with a smile.

"Well, at least your father gave you a name that your mother wants," Michael said smiling.

"Was my mother the one who chose my name?" Aderi asked, her grandfather nodded with a smile.

"Indeed" her grandfather answered with a smile.

"I still cannot believe could he do that to you?" Her grandmother said with an angry look on her face.

"It's alright..." Aderi said with a smile, reassuring her grandmother.

"How did you manage all these years?" Her grandfather asked.

"My grandparents from my mother's side supported me" Aderi answered.

"I'm sorry dear if we couldn't support you as they did, but from now on we will also support you," her grandmother said, her grandfather nodded agreeing.

"Thank you so much," Aderi said thanking her grandparents.

"I'm sure you are wondering why we didn't visit you this whole time. The only reason we didn't seek you out all these years is that your father told us you have died along with your mother, we didn't visit the manor since we didn't wanna see your father's current wife," Her grandfather said explaining.

"Why didn't you wanna see Leni?" Aderi asked curiously.

"That woman...She begged us to let her be engaged with your father, and we agreed since your father was also getting tired of being spammed with her letters, but he quickly left leni after seeing your mother, and she even-" her grandfather said but her grandmother cut off Michael's sentence.

"Let's forget about this conversation and enjoy today, I really don't want to talk about that woman, buy anything you like, dear, our treat!" Her grandmother said, Michael just nodded with a smile getting the signal that his wife don't want to talk about Leni.

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