Chapter 21

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"Aderi trusted me, so I have to know what the contents of these vitamins are...I don't have a good feeling about her stepmother" Caelias said gripping the little bottle he was holding while laying on his bed.

"What are you holding?" A voice came from the balcony. Caelias looked at the balcony and he was met with a boy with pink hair and black eyes.

"Ah, Jake...just in time" Caelias said as he sat up.

"A new job for me, right?" Jake asked as he walked closer to Caelias.

"Yes, indeed. I want you to investigate the ingredients of these...if possible I want the results in 3 days" Caelias said as he threw the bottle to Jake. Jake caught the bottle perfectly.


Jake, is a boy with long pink hair and black eyes. He's an orphan and a commoner, but he is a good friend of Caelias. They met when Caelias was still young and had black hair, he knows Caelias's true identity, and now he is still Caelias's good friend and now he also works as Caelias personal spy.


"Where did you even get this?" Jake asked examining the bottle.

"Aderi asked me for help to find the ingredients of that so-called vitamins," Caelias explained. Jake chuckled.

"So...You finally revealed yourself to Lady Callista?" Jake asked teasingly as he put his hand on his hips.

"No, not yet-- although I'm planning on it," Caelias said with a frown showing that he doesn't like being teased by his friend.

"So why did she turn to you to ask for help when she doesn't know your true identity?" Jake asked not believing Caelias. He suspected that maybe Caelias was just shy that he finally revealed his true identity to the girl he likes.

"I guess she doesn't have a choice for turning to me, since knowing how she grew up, she doesn't have anyone trustworthy in her home to investigate that for her," Caelias said pointing at the bottle in Jake's hands, Caelias followed his statement with a sigh.

"I forgot about that, so...why is she so suspicious of these vitamins?" Jake asked curiously looking at the bottle again.

"Those so-called vitamins are being given to her father by her stepmother...she said once her father took them he started acting aggressively..." Caelias said explaining the situation to Jake. Jake nodded signaling he understood what Caelias told him.

"Why do you want it in 3 days anyway? And couldn't she turn to that boy Lucas for help?" Jake asked.

"That boy Lucas is very influenced by his father as far as I know...he will turn to his father for help, and you know what will happen right?" Caelias asked. Jake nodded getting what Caelias said.

"The marquess will take this opportunity to get Lady Callista to marry his son in return, after all...the marquess only cares about titles and status" Jake replied. Caelias nodded.

", I want to find out the ingredients of that so it can be my gift for her birthday that is coming up in 3 days" Caelias smiled.

"Eh?~ that's a lame gift to give," Jake said disappointed.

"Of course, I'm still gonna give her something besides that" Caelias replied with a frown. Jake shook his head.

"Whatever, I'm off to investigate," Jake said as he turned walking towards the balcony.

"Oh...and one more thing," Caelias said, Jake stopped and looked back at Caelias.

"Could you investigate the daughter of baron Duncan?" Caelias asked.

"Hmm? Why?" Jake asked curiously.

"She is too close to Aderi...knowing most nobles, low-ranking nobles tend to attach themselves to high-ranking nobles to gain fame and all" Caelias explained.

"Sure thing, do you also want this to be in 3 days?" Jake asked, Caelias shook his head.

"No, this doesn't have a deadline" Caelias answered.

"Alright, on it! It's been a while since you gave me something to do, it's about time" Jake chuckled.

"See you," Jake said as he jumped off the balcony.

"Aderi...I will not disappoint you" Caelias mumbled to himself.


{On the other side of the castle, Ronan's bedroom}


"Make sure you make Lady Callista fall in love with you...she will bring great honor to your name, after all-- she came from a family with a good background...she is the one you must marry, DON'T let Caelias get ahead of you!" Ronan's mother said as she put her teacup down.

"But mother--" Ronan said trying to protest.

"Don't 'but' me! This is your opportunity, you must act perfect! Even when you are alone, remember that...Don't disappoint me!" His mother's glare was enough to make Ronan stop talking.

"Run along now...Lady Callista must be waiting for you" his mother said as he shook her hand signaling for Ronan to leave. Ronan nodded and left.


The conversation between him and his mother this afternoon kept him up. He shook his head as he looked back at the big window he was standing in front of.

"I can't believe my mother...I like Lady Callista, but-- I don't want her to find out one day and think that I liked her just to bring honor to my name" Ronan said as he hit the glass of his window.

Ronan suddenly smiled, he couldn't help but smile to himself as he remembered Aderi's words to him earlier that day.

"When you said that...I felt like I can rest easy and let my guard down...Lady Callista I'm tired of being perfect, but how do I achieve telling my mother that I don't want to be perfect all the time?" Ronan asked himself as he leaned his head on the window.

"When you said those words...I felt like someone understood me, isn't flaws what makes us human?" Ronan asked himself.

"Lady Callista...I want you to tell me how to gain courage, Lady I even stand a chance with you?" Ronan asked with sorrow in his voice.

"What am I doing? I look like a fool, talking to myself thinking I'm having a conversation with the person I like the most" Ronan chuckled to himself as he stopped leaning his head on his window.

"This place is making me insane, what's the point of being a crown prince if I'm gonna end up crazy?" Ronan asked himself as he chuckled.

"But...I don't want to disappoint my mother..." Ronan sighed clenching his fists.

"Lady Callista...should I be selfish and chase my happiness, or should I go to the route where my mother is leading me?" Ronan asked himself clenching his fists tighter.

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