Chapter 13

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"Lady Aderi another invitation has arrived," one of the maids said as they held out an envelope to Aderi.

"Thank you," Aderi said as she accepted the envelope.

"You sure are popular after your debut" Lucas said with a smile teasing Aderi.

"That's a given...I'm a daughter of a duke and duchess after all" Aderi said sighing, Lucas smiled more.

"Are you sure that's all?" Lucas asked as he leaned back on his chair.

"What else is there to me then?" Aderi asked as she looked at the envelope opening it. Lucas has a small smile on his face.

"Your beauty and personality..." Lucas mumbled as he looked away from her, Aderi looked up at Lucas.

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear what you said, can you repeat it?" Aderi answered as she didn't hear what Lucas said, Lucas chuckled.

"I was just thinking and said 'what else is there' well... I guess you are right that it's because you are the daughter of a Callista and Lacita" Lucas said covering up what he said earlier, Aderi just nodded taking Lucas's words without suspecting a thing.

"So have you read the invitation?" Lucas asked, Aderi shook her head.

"I was just about to read it," Aderi replied smiling, Lucas nodded.

"Oh?" Aderi said, Lucas, tilted his head curiously.

"Who is it from?" Lucas asked curiously. Aderi smiled.

"It's from miss Ari Duncan," Aderi said with a smile.

"Oh? You know her?" Lucas asked curiously, Aderi nodded.

"She is the one I bumped into in town when we chased that boy named 'Cael' I also met her at the banquet last week, we were able to chat there," Aderi said smiling.

"It's a good thing that Ari and I met, I can maintain a good friendship with her and maybe that will turn things around," Aderi thought as she read through the letter.


'Dear, Lady Aderi Nova Calista,

Good day to you lady Aderi. I'd like to invite you to a tea party I'll hold next week's Monday, I'm inviting all of my friends, I hope to see you their lady Aderi.

Sincerely, Ari Noelle Duncan'


The letter was short and friendly, Aderi smiled at the letter.

"So? What did the letter contain?" Lucas asked.

"She is inviting me to a tea party next week's Monday," Aderi said happily.

"So? Are you gonna come?" Lucas asked, Aderi nodded.

"Of course! She is a friend of mine" Aderi replied, Lucas also smiled.

"It's gonna be your first tea party!" Lucas said teasingly, Aderi's jaw dropped.

"I take that as an insult!" Aderi said standing up from her chair as she walked out of the garden pavilion.

"Hey! That was only a joke!" Lucas said as he chased after Aderi. When we were finally close to Aderi he heard her silently trying to hold in her chuckle.

"Hey! Your joke is not funny" Lucas said as he stopped walking. Aderi did the same. Aderi looked back at Lucas as she chuckled.

At the moment for Lucas, it seems like time has stopped and his heart skipped a beat.

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