Chapter 8

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A week passed like a breeze and now Aderi will be coming back to the Callista's manor.

" to us if he hurts you again, our dearest granddaughter," Aderi's Grandmother said with a worried look on her face as she linked arms with Aderi.

"I will...thank you, Grandma and Grandpa," Aderi said smiling, her grandma and grandpa gave her a small smile as they stopped walking.

She quickly felt safe and warm toward Aderi's grandparents in the short time they were all together, they were gentle to Aderi and always asked about her well-being. For the first time, she felt safe in someone's company, a person that has the title of "family" to her.

"Take this, it's a little gift, I thought it would be appropriate to give this to you, now that you accept your face," Aderi's grandmother said as she pulled out a small necklace.

"What is it?" Aderi asked as her grandmother put the necklace in Aderi's palm.

"It's a locket with a picture of your mother in it," Aderi's grandmother said with a smile. Aderi opened the locket. She was speechless after seeing the person in the photo. The woman was so beautiful. It was a simple portrait of her mother.

"Wow...she looks so beautiful," Aderi said amazed, in the novel no pictures were given, so it's the first time Aria will see what Aderi's mother looks like.

Indeed the woman looks like Aderi just like how the novel described it to be. The only difference between them was the slight difference in the color of their eyes. The woman in the portrait has more pink in her eyes.

Aderi has more of a reddish tint in her eyes. Aria suspects it was because the duke has red eyes. Aderi closed the locket and turned the locket around and she noticed letters in the back.

"What's this engraved in the locket, Grandma?" Aderi asked curiously as she looked up at her grandmother.

"Ah, it's her initials!" Her grandmother answered excitedly. Aderi tilted her head out of curiosity.

"Look here, 'vjlc', it stands for Veronica Jean Lacita Callista!" Her grandmother said happily. Aderi's eyes sparkled at the discovery of the name of Aderi's mother.

The parents of Aderi were just mentioned as 'Duke/Duchess Callista' or 'Aderi's mother/father' in the novel. So to her, this was a very important information.

"Grandma, why does my father hate me?" Aderi asked, she cannot help but wonder, it was such a childish thing to hate your child because your wife died of giving birth to that very same child. She was wondering about this since when she was reading the novel.

"He lacks common sense, how can he blame a mere child for the death of his wife?" her grandfather said disappointed as her grandmother nodded in agreement. A sigh can also be heard from her grandmother.

"I thought he was wiser than this-- although it's probably because he loves Veronica so much that it brings him pain when seeing you...he still loves Veronica even until now, I can see it in his face-- I wish she didn't co--" Her grandmother said but her grandfather cleared his throat stopping her grandmother.

"Ahem-- We shouldn't go into that, dear," Her grandfather said. Her grandmother nodded.

"My, my...don't mind me dear, just brush it off as a rumbling of an old woman-- Anyway, I've stalled you enough dear...go on, the carriage is already waiting," her grandmother said with a smile. Aderi nodded and brushed it off, asking further might just upset them so she let it go.


Aderi was helped to the carriage by the courier.

"Send us a letter if you need anything," her grandfather said with a smile on his face, Aderi nodded.

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