Chapter 26

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Aderi and her father stepped inside the ballroom, and everyone clapped as she and her father walked down the stairs.

"Good evening Lady Callista and, happy birthday!" one of the people in the crowd said greeting Aderi. the others followed as each person started greeting her.

the gifts they gave to Aderi were taken by the butler who will be carrying them to the carriage.


after the unknown nobles finally finished greeting her, a familiar girl walked towards her.

"Greetings Lady Aderi! Congratulations on your debutante and happy birthday!" Ari said smiling happily as she held out a box to Aderi.

"thank you very much, Lady Ari!" Aderi said with a wide smile receiving the box.

"Lady Aderi? Lady Ari" her father asked confused looking at both girls.

"ah father, this is Lady Ari Duncan, daughter of baron Duncan, she is a very good friend of mine," Aderi said introducing Ari to her father.

"Greetings, Duke Callista" Ari said greeting the duke while doing a curtsy.

"is that's nice meeting the friend of my daughter, thank you for keeping her company, Lady Ari," Thomas said smiling at Ari.

"a-ah duke, please don't call me 'Lady' I'm a mere daughter of a baron," Ari said nervously since he might be mistaken her for a high-ranking noble.

"I know, Lady Ari...but considering you are a good friend of my daughter you are worthy of being called a 'Lady' my daughter is indeed correct that those who deserve it shall be addressed with respect even without a high rank," Thomas said explaining himself.

"I-i see, thank you so much, duke!" Ari said bowing.

"I should be the one thanking you for being such a good friend to my daughter," the duke said, Ari smiled.

"Lady Aderi is also a very good friend to me, I appreciate everything she has done for me," Ari said smiling.

" need to flatter me," Aderi said to Ari shyly.

"I'm just merely telling the truth," Ari responded to Aderi confused.

"you're making me shy in front of my father," Aderi said as her face started heating up.

"If you want you can go with your friend, I won't stop you, it's your day today after all...enjoy yourself," his father said with a soft smile to Aderi.

"a-ah...thank you father, then we shall go," Aderi said smiling, Thomas nodded with a smile.

"we're going now father" Aderi said excusing herself and Ari.

"farewell Duke Callista" Ari also excused herself.

"Please don't say something like that're making me shy," Aderi said to Ari as she linked her arms with Ari. Ari giggled.

"you look cute when you're flustered, Lady Aderi" Ari teased.

"ah!!! please stop" Aderi said as she bowed her head getting shy. Ari giggled even more.

"I'll stop now," Ari said while giggling.

while they were walking they were stopped.

"Greetings, Lady Callista" a man's voice can be heard, Aderi looked up and saw a handsome guy with Blue hair and Golden eyes.

"Greetings, and who am I have the honor of speaking to?" Aderi asked the man. he bowed as he started introducing himself.

"My name is Prince Oscar Victor Red, the prince of Bisoplain, I heard many good things about you Lady Callista, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" The man who introduced himself stood up straight after introducing himself.

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