Chapter 28

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"Aderi!" Her father yelled as he slammed the door open.

"Father?" Aderi asked, she was standing at the closed glass door of her balcony, looking at the stars, and suddenly she got slapped by her father. She fell to the ground due to the impact.


"B-but father! I just didn't wanna do what she was telling me, she told me that once I debut in high society I must target the prettiest girl and-" Aderi said fastly trying to explain everything.

"SHUSH! You dare to tell me lies now!?" Her father asked as he grabbed Aderi's wrist making her forcefully stand up.

"F-father it hurts!" Aderi said as tears fell from her eyes. Suddenly she got slapped again.

"Don't you dare cry!" Her father said glaring.

Aderi stood up and hurriedly ran out of her room.

"YOU! COME BACK HERE!" Her father said going after Aderi.

"STOP HER!" Her father yelled at the people who were around the hall, everyone tried catching Aderi but she was so little that she dodge people grabbing her.

The 7-year-old little girl was so scared and in pain. Her only plan right now was to run away.


After she managed to get away she still ran and ran, and she found a garden and ran there. The garden was quiet at night, only the wind and leaves brushing against each other are the only sound.

Aderi fell after tripping on a rock, she started crying loudly. The little girl was in so much pain, this is the first time her father hit her. All Callista have great strength without even training, but her father as one of the commanders of the kingdom knights and trains regularly that strength has improved much more. So imagine how hard Aderi got hit.

"Why are you crying?" A soft voice asked, Aderi turned her head and looked up at that person. She was met with a little boy that is about the same age as her, that boy has black hair and blue eyes, the boy was wearing a black cloak.

"It hurts!" Aderi cried as she tried wiping her tears, the boy has a worried look on his face.

"It hurts!" Aderi cried out once more as she gripped her chest, the boy panicked and pulled Aderi in a hug after remembering that his mother told him that hugs can make others feel better.

"It heart hurts..." Aderi said crying in the boy's arms after returning the hug.

"Why does it hurt? Why do you have a bruise on your cheeks?" The boy asked as he caressed her hair.

"What is a fairy doing here, crying?" The boy thought to himself as she hugged the girl even tighter.

"It hurts...why does father hate me so much? Why do I have to have my mother's appearance? Why does the world hate me?" Aderi cried out.

"Today...he slapped me, it hurts," Aderi said crying more.

"There, there, I'm here aren't I?" The boy asked.

"I don't wanna go back," Aderi said as she hugged the boy tighter.

"I don't wanna go back" Aderi repeated.

"ADERI!" They heard a shout nearby. Aderi quickly pushed the boy and stood up as she looked around in a panic.

"Is your name Aderi?" The boy asked as he also stood up.

"T-they are looking for me!" Aderi said with fear in her voice.

"Come with me," the boy said as they ran.

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