Chapter 30

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[2 days later]

"hey, Lucas...I heard there will be a hunting event, I'm pretty excited about it" Aderi said as she and Lucas were strolling the garden in the manor of Lacita.

"Indeed, I too am excited" Lucas replied agreeing with Aderi. Aderi on the other hand still didn't tell Lucas about her and Cael's reunion, since...after all Lucas's father is someone who can blackmail someone for a higher status.

Lucas's father is someone who is sly and likes scheming, But his son is nothing like him. Although in the original novel, Aderi's bad influence leads him to do more evil deeds than his father.

"It'll be my first hunting event ever! I'm pretty excited" Aderi said with an excited tone in her voice.

"well...that makes me more excited" Lucas responded with a happy smile.

"hmm? why were you even so excited in the first place?" Aderi asked eager to know.

"Don't get me's just that, to attend every year" Aderi followed her statement. Lucas smiled wider.

"Ahem! Well, my father let me become the Stefan's representative," Lucas said proudly. Aderi smiled happily at her dear friend.

"congratulations Lucas!!!" Aderi said with a wide smile on her face as she continuously tapped Lucas's shoulder.

"you better cheer for me," Lucas said teasingly.

"of course, I would!" Aderi said smiling happily.

"I'm counting on you," Lucas said smiling happily after hearing Aderi would cheer for him.

"I'm not as good as your father but, still...I'm pretty good!" Lucas said boasting about his hunting skills.

"I doubt that you're pretty good," Aderi said teasing Lucas.

"I bet you couldn't even lift a bow and shoot one," Lucas said pouting.

"are sure about that?" Aderi asked with a grin.

"yeah, the bow is pretty heavy," Lucas said, Aderi chuckled.

"I'm pretty good at it!" Aderi replied.

"I cannot blame Lucas for doubting I cannot lift a bow...Since the information that the females of the Callista's are stronger than the male" Aderi thought.

"I doubt that" Lucas teased back, Aderi hit Lucas's arm lightly. as both of them started chuckling. both of them are playing playfully as usual, teasing one another.

"but seriously...I know how to use one" Aderi said smiling.

"I never even saw you lift a bow yet, nor heard anything about you knowing how to use a bow, I wouldn't be surprised if you know how to use a sword since your father leads one of the elite troupes in the kingdom, but a bow? that's surprising" Lucas said, Aderi chuckled.

"your chuckling made me lower my belief in you," Lucas said doubting Aderi. Aderi chuckled more.

"but I'm not lying, maybe one day you'll see me use one," Aderi said.

"I'm looking forward to it" Lucas smiled.


after Aderi got home at the Callista's manor someone was waiting for her.

"Jake? what are you doing here?" Aderi asked.

"yeah...about that offer you said before, the one that when I and Caelias need help we can turn to you, uh...I would like to use my favor now" Jake said smiling innocently at Aderi. Aderi was glaring at Jake.

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