Chapter 38

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"Father I need to talk to you," Caelias said as he entered his father's office closing the door behind him.

"If it's about the coronation...don't worry you will be crowned as the official heir in a week" the king responded not even looking up at the Caelias he kept his gaze on the document he was reading.

"It's not about that father, I'm here for another reason" Caelias responded as he walked closer to his father who was on his desk still reading the document in front of him.

"If it's about Lady Callista I cannot intervene with the trial" The king replied as he finally looked up at his son. Caelias stopped right in front of his desk as his father's words cut him down like a knife.

"Please father...don't proceed with the trial without any evidence, without evidence she will be imprisoned without even doing anything wrong" Caelias pleaded not backing down. A sigh can be heard from the king.

"Caelias I know you have an eye for the lady...but this will stain our reputation, what will people think? we intervene because it's a duke's daughter, they will think we are being unfair with our judgment" The king said in a cold tone. Caelias felt a chill run down his spine, indeed his father has a point, but in his eyes it was still wrong for holding a trial without proper evidence it was Aderi.

"Father! The person who pushed Lady Duncan is a black magic user," Caelias said revealing the truth to his father. The King stood up slamming both of his hands on his table.

"Enough with your crazy misjudgements!" The king yelled glaring at his son.

"Father you are the one being unfair with the system, I just told you one of the key pieces of information in this case yet you will dismiss it without even checking up on it!?" Caelias asked frustrated. He knew he cannot back down now.

"Cause I know I am right, can't you see Caelias? young women these days are all fighting because the crown prince will be crowned soon and the competition for crown princess is next. People are turning their backs on their friends and family, what makes you think the lady won't do that?!" The king asked in frustration. Caelias clenched his fist.

"But father the person used black magic to frame lady-" Caelias said explaining but the king cut him off.

"Black magic is gone for years now Caelias! who would believe that!?" The king asked.

"Because it is the real father!" Caelias yelled frustrated.

"Have you gone soft because of a woman!?" The king asked. Caelias bit his lip, he cannot hold the frustration anymore.

"What if I did? At least I am not like you and started believing what others said threw your wife and child just like that!" Caelias said with anger.

"Gosh...Caelias it was years ago!?" The king said as he slammed his hands on his table again.

"Yeah? but the damage is still here! I won't do that to my future people so that is why I want to open a more in-depth investigation of Lady Callista's trial" Caelias said with full determination.

"You have gone soft, I don't think you are fit to rule!" The king said. Caelias sighed.

"If that's the case..." Caelias said as he took off his ring and placed it down on his father's desk.

"I give up my right to the throne to succeed to the throne," Caelias said glaring at his father.

"Are you gonna choose a woman over the throne!? do you think this ring is a joke for you to casually just remove? this is the ring that symbolizes the next heir to the throne!" The king yelled as he picked up the ring.

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