Chapter 25

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"m'lady~ rise and shine!" The maid said happily as the maid pulled the curtain away making the room light up.

"Hmm?...What time is it?" Aderi asked as she sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~" the maids started singing, Aderi was stunned and just sat there not knowing what was going on or what to do.

After the maids finished singing Aderi smiled as she finally fully woke up. She then remembered it was her be specific Aderi's Birthday, she's now 19.

"Thank you so much," Aderi said thanking the maids after they finished singing.

"Here are our presents m'lady!" One of the maids said as they lined up.

They started giving Aderi their gifts one by one.

"W-wow...thank you, everyone, you didn't need to get me any gifts...your service to me every day is enough," Aderi said as she was tearing up, her bed was now full of boxes that have gifts inside. This is the first time that anyone has gotten her so many gifts.

On her past birthdays each maid just saved up to get her one gift, of course, Aderi was so happy to get a gift every year, but this year was different, instead of one gift, each one of them got individual gifts for Aderi.

"M'lady please don't cry!" one of the maids said after noticing a tear was forming in her eyes.

"I'm just so happy...thank you for giving me gifts every year, I really appreciate everything you all have done for me," Aderi said as she wiped the tear that was forming in her eyes.

"Come on m'lady, don't cry...we still have a long schedule ahead of us!" One of the maids said happily.

"Come m'lady we will bathe you now!" The maids said as they dragged Aderi to the bathroom giggling.

They bathe Aderi for 5 hours, soaking her in various oils, and washing her hair. They also took Aderi's breakfast in the bathroom. Aderi fell asleep in the process.


Lunchtime rolled around and they dressed Aderi in a normal dress as they serve her lunch in her room.

"M'lady, we need to prepare your hair while you eat, if you don't mind we will start now," one of the maids said. Aderi nodded and the maids started working on her hair.

They put in multiple oils and brushed her hair gently.

5 pm rolled and it was now the time they started preparing Aderi for her debutante.

The party starts at 7:30 and now they are starting to prepare Aderi. Her dress was red, it was complementing her hair color well. The design was simple but it was Aderi's choice so they didn't object when the design was on the simple side.

After she was dressed they sat her down so they could style her hair. After styling it they put a hairpiece complementing her dress. While the others are busy with her hair, the others were putting makeup on her. The makeup was also on the simple side.

Aria, the soul inside of Aderi's body loves makeup but hates the feeling of it, so she requested a simple makeup so she won't be too bothered by her makeup while at the party.

All girls in the kingdom will celebrate their debutante together every year, it's always held on the 3rd of December. But this year Aderi will celebrate her debutante early and alone. The girls who will be debuting this year will still debut on the 3rd of December. This means only Aderi will celebrate her debutante early.

This is the king's sponsorship after all, and it will be held in the palace. Usually, debutante and other social gatherings are always held in the central palace hall. The secondary palace of skite. But Aderi's debutante will be held at the main palace. Where the king and queen reside along with the princes.

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