Chapter 27

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[A week after aderi's debutante]

Aderi was in her own study room looking out at the window. She was sitting down currently responding to letters from people who are inviting her to parties and those who wished her a late happy birthday.

"Writing back letters is so tiring..." Aderi said as she followed it with a sigh while wiggling the pen in her hands.

"It's already been one week and I'm still not done replying...not to mention, I only got to open half of the gifts, being someone with a high status is indeed a big deal," Aderi said as she looked back at the paper on the table.

"I wonder...what was Caelias gonna tell me that night, I never saw him again after that," Aderi said wondering what was Caelias gonna tell her. Especially since it seemed important.

"Why is he so mysterious, why did he help me just like that...why? Isn't he supposed to be the person who'll behead Aderi?" Aderi asked herself as she gripped the pen in her hand.

"It's only a riddle if you don't know the answer..." Aderi mumbled remembering what Caelias told her that day in his garden.


"Are you sure we've only just met now?"


While thinking about what he said, she remembered another thing Caelias said to her that day.

"Are you sure we've only just met now?..." Aderi mumbled another word Caelias told her that day.

"Does that mean we've met...before?" Aderi asked herself as she lost grip on the pen she was holding.

"From the start, he started calling me "Aderi" not "Lady Callista" he isn't the type to make a mistake like that due to him being royalty and him knowing the rules more than anyone" Aderi replied to herself confused.

"Could there be something I overlooked in the novel?" Aderi asked herself as she stood up from her seat. She then started pacing back and forth in the room trying to think of something.

Then it hit her.

The garden scene

The chapter is about how Aderi and Caelias met back then.

"Could it be that? In the garden scene Aderi was 7...could that be why Caelias knows me? I didn't experience that due to me being reincarnated as the 14 years old could that be it?" Aderi asked herself.

"How could I forget about this detail? Am I that seriously so serious about trying to survive and trying to maintain a good relationship with the people here that have important roles in the novel?" Aderi asked herself.

"But...are the others important? Did I lose touch and started having fun? I know some people I've met weren't mentioned in the novel but I'm meeting them here, like Lucas's brother, and Cael" Aderi said frustrated as she tries figuring things out.


She fell backward after losing strength in her legs. She knocked something behind her in the process. It was a vase and it fell alerting the maids outside.

"M'lady, are you okay!?" One of the maids opened the door and yelled. But Aderi wasn't able to answer as she sat there shocked with the broken vase pieces on her side.

"Did you hurt yourself, m'lady!?"
"Are you okay m'lady!?"

There were now a lot of maids in the room trying to help Aderi up. But Aderi couldn't hear them.

All she could think about was Cael.

Cael her long-lost friend that has black hair and blue eyes, but now had lost his black hair, that hair has now turned white.

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