Chapter 9

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Another week passed and Aderi was invited to her grandparent's residence again.

"Ah, m'lady, the Duchess and Duke Lacita still haven't arrived, they are currently in the city to handle an errand, they didn't expect you to be so early, so please let us guide you to the waiting area," The head maid announced after Aderi got out of the carriage.

"Ah, I see...I guess I arrived too early" Aderi smiled as she adjusted her hat.

"I did rush today to get out of that hell hole," Aderi thought to herself thinking about the Callista's manor as she looked at the Lacita's manor exterior.

"M'lady if you're ready, I can guide you to the waiting room," Luke said with a gentle smile as always as he stepped forward.

"Alright, then please guide me to the waiting room, Sir Luke," Aderi said with a warm smile, Luke bowed and walked as Aderi followed behind Luke.


"Sir Luke, may I ask you something?" Aderi asked as she was looking at Luke's walking figure that was in front of her. They are now inside the manor and currently walking on the long corridor of the manor's ground.

"Oh? What is it, m'lady?" Luke asked as he stopped and looked behind him, facing Aderi.

"It's just a random question, but may I ask, what is your last name," Aderi asked curiously, Luke smiled.

"It's Luke Ortiz, m'lady, and please just call me Luke, no need to add 'sir'," Luke said with a smile as he turned back around and started walking again. Aderi followed as usual.

"Ah, I see...although don't you think 'Sir Luke' has a nice ring?" Aderi asked, Luke scratched the back of his neck out of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, m'lady...but as a son of a mere commoner like me isn't deserving to get called 'sir', especially by a daughter of a high-ranking noble," Luke said embarrassed by the situation since Aderi is sincere in calling him, sir. Aderi frowned.

"Is this what it was like back then?" Aderi asked herself.

"Your father has been serving the Lacita family for years now, and you are now doing the same, I believe you and your father are deserving of respect, even without a noble title," Aderi said sharing her opinion, Luke giggled. To Aderi, her opinion might be a little too modern since that is what it's like in her original world, but she cannot help but feel that it's unfair.

"I'm also surprised that we mere commoners were picked to be a butler for the Lacita's," Luke said as he let out a small chuckle, and after that, a smile lingered on his face.

"You and your father aren't lacking with your work, so I believe you should also have a title-- who cares if you're born as a commoner, why should we care about titles when respect should be our priority?" Aderi asked Luke's mouth open, but he is unable to answer, he too agrees with what Aderi said, but he has to accept that life is like this.

"You're much older than me Sir Luke, and because of that I should respect you, we should not care about our titles-- My grandparents also think the same, that's why they took you in as the loyal butler that will serve them and not just some other people with a noble title," Aderi said with a bright smile, Luke stopped and turned to Aderi.

"One day, I'm for sure you'll get a title Sir Luke" Aderi smiled. Luke couldn't help but smile at Aderi's kind words.

"Not everyone thinks the same as you, m'lady, I must say...the Lacita bloodline is indeed kind, even to us commoners. They even gave us a job" Luke said with a bright smile.

"From now on please allow me to call you 'Sir Luke', it will make me very happy!" Aderi said. Luke giggled and patted Aderi's head.

"If only he thinks the same" Luke mumbled, but Aderi couldn't hear it properly.

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