Chapter 24

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Aderi was tightly clenching her fist together as she walked to the hallway to go to her father's office.

When she reached the office door she paused for a moment looking at the door before reaching out for the doorknob. But she was quickly stopped by the butler who she didn't notice approaching her.

"M'lady I must apologize but the duke is busy," the butler said stopping Aderi from blocking the doorknob with his hand.

"Please let me through, I have something to say to my father" Aderi calmly replied.

"Please, m'lady...don't make things difficult for me, the duke requested that to block any visitors" the butler responded.

"Any visitors? Or just me?" Aderi asked as she raised her voice a little, the butler was stunned not knowing what to say.

Aria in the past tried to talk to the duke, trying to understand why he hates Aderi so much, but she caught a visitor coming to his father's office when the butler said that the duke doesn't want any visitors.

Aderi took the opportunity to push the butler out of the way while he was still stunned.

"Father!" Aderi said slamming the door wide open.

"Wha- WHY ARE YOU HERE?! DIDN'T I TELL YOU THAT I DON'T WANT HER COMING HERE!?" Her father said yelling at Aderi before turning his scolding to the butler.

"I'm sorry, your grace, Lady Aderi pushed me out of the way," the butler said apologizing.

"Father!" Aderi said again calling out, suddenly the butler held Aderi's wrist, preventing her from getting any closer to the duke.

"M'lady please get out," the butler said as he tried dragging Aderi out of the office.

"I'm not going anywhere! Not until I talk to my father!" Aderi said yelling at the butler as she tried pulling her wrist trying to break free from the butler's grip.

Aderi's father stood up and walked towards Aderi.

"Get out!" Her father said as he started pushing Aderi to the door by her shoulder.

"FATHER!" Aderi yelled again, but her father didn't listen to her, he continued pushing Aderi out while the butler was dragging Aderi by the wrist.

"Father stop!" Aderi pleaded as she struggles to keep her balance. But the duke continued pushing her, not even hesitating to stop.

"FATHER WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH!?" Aderi yelled louder than before, the butler and her father stopped in their tracks. The duke suddenly started frowning as if he's feelings are being shaken.

"All this time...why do you refuse on seeing me? Why are you so mad!? Aren't I your daughter from your wife that you love so much!?" Aderi asked, duke Callista just stood there confused.

"M'lady let's go" the butler spoke with a soft voice trying to drag her away, they were now almost outside of the office, only the doorway inches away.

"No, let her be...leave us for now," Thomas said stopping the butler. The butler bowed before leaving, shutting the door behind him.

"Now explain why did you interrupt me?" Thomas asked in a demanding voice, but it seems like the spell still hasn't worn out, it was just weakened.

"Father...I'm here to ask you to be my partner for my debutante tomorrow..." Aderi said making her request, she couldn't think of anything else on what excuse she'll make. She was thinking about it all night and this is the only thing she could think of.

"You interrupted me just for that? Find someone else, you may now leave" Thomas said in a stern voice.

"Please, father! Other girls had their father to be their partner, please..." Aderi said pleading.

"Ask the son of marquess Stefan to be your partner," Thomas said still with a stern voice, showing her pleading is getting nowhere.

"Father, please...I beg you, just this once, I won't ask for anything big after please, grant this for me!" Aderi said crying, her frustration, tiredness, and her worries finally broke out.

"I told you I'm not-" Thomas said trying to object but he was cut off when Aderi hugged him.

"Please...just this once, you never interacted with me in the past, so please...just this once," Aderi said crying as she hugged Thomas tighter.

She was expecting to be pushed away but she was hugged back by Thomas.

"I...I don't know what is happening Aderi...I'm...Confuse" her father spoke softly. Aderi cannot help but cry harder.

"Are you gonna grant this wish of mine?" Aderi asked between her sobs.

"Yes...I think it's time to finally make it up to you" Thomas said.

Aria...the soul inside Aderi's body didn't have a father figure while growing up. Her father died without her ever meeting him.

Aderi, the real owner of this body, grew up being ignored by her father.

2 people who felt pain. The soul may be an Aria, but the original owner of this body, the Original Aderi, has the Heart. Both of their feelings were mixed. They are almost 2 people in 1 body.

But the only thing that is Alive that is originally from the original Aderi was the heart. So her feelings are always mixed with Aria's...The Current Aderi.

"Is this what it feels like to feel the love of a father?" Aderi asked herself in her mind since she didn't meet her father, she may be in a different world, but nonetheless, She is now Aderi, The daughter of Duke Thomas Claude Callista

"Thank you, father," Aderi said thanking her father.

"I'm the one who should be thanking you, thank you for accepting me again as your father Aderi..." Thomas said.


Leni who was on the other side of the door heard everything, she was so mad and left in a hurry.

She went to her room and went to the tea set to prepare another tea infused with the "vitamins" but something was missing from the tray.


The "vitamins"

"Where is it? It couldn't have been misplaced!" Leni looked around the room in a panic. She was now throwing stuff around to look for the small bottle

"Where did I put it!" Leni asked herself trying to think as she stopped throwing stuff around.

Then she remembered...Aderi held that bottle, That day, she was the last one who held it.

Leni went back to the duke's office, he can still Aderi and the duke talking about her birthday.

With a book in her hands, she quickly went to Aderi's room.


When she arrived she closed the door and opened the book in her hands.

"Within the dark, your gaze will lead me, show me your trace that will lead me to you" Leni recited as she scanned the room with her eyes.

Reciting this verse can make you see a red glowing light when that item has black magic. But only someone who practices black magic can use this verse.

Even if you try to recite this verse without you practicing black magic will not work for you.

Leni scanned the room but nothing was glowing red.

"It's not here...then where is it!? Making one will take me a week, not to mention the ingredients are from Blaztd!" Leni said panicking.

"Aderi you witch! Where did you put it!?" Leni said glancing at the book in her hands frustrated.

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