Chapter 3

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"WHY CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT!? ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS POUR THIS INTO ARI'S DRINK!" Aderi's stepmother, Leni said angrily as she slapped Aderi in the cheeks. Aderi held her cheeks, biting her lips to hold her tears back.

"YOU AND YOUR MOTHER ARE MY DOWNFALLS!" Leni said groaning in anger. Aderi just stood there helplessly. The 16-year-old girl was always abused like this.

Leni walked away from Aderi leaving the room. Finally, Aderi let her tears fall as she also fell to the ground after her legs gave up. Today wasn't that bad...usually, she would pull out Aderi's hair, slap her, throw things at her, or even hit her with things in her body.

Aderi's snow-white skin was always filled with bruises, she rarely goes out because of her bruises, if she does go out she wears long sleeves, gloves, and clothes that cover her up to her neck to hide her bruises.

She looked up and she was met with her crying reflection. In front of her was a large big mirror.

"Why...? Why do I have your appearance-- mother?" She whispered as she looked at her hopeless self in the mirror.

She despises her reflection, she hates it. Her father and even her stepmother hate her appearance due to her looking exactly like her mother.


At the age of 17 Aderi's grandparents died. The only one who supported Aderi. She received a lot of money after her grandparent's death.

But that money wasn't used for good deeds.


"Come on, you have money right? Hire a maid to go do your dirty work on killing Ari. Come on my daughter" Leni whispered in Aderi's ears from behind. Aderi gripped her skirt tightly before nodding. She was that terrified but also excited, she thinks that if she succeeded here, Leni would finally acknowledge her as her daughter.

"Good girl..." Leni smirked after Aderi nodded.


"Pft! You look pathetic Ari" Aderi said giggling after she poured her drink on Ari's head.

"L-lady Callista..." Ari said looking at Aderi who was giggling. Her eyes were full of pain. Aderi's heart sank for a moment with guilt but she remembered Leni's words.

"Remember...that girl will take everything from you, have to make her life miserable, my daughter" With this phrase Leni said to Aderi made her guilt completely gone.

"Boring..." Aderi said dropping the empty wine glass on the floor making it shatter in front of Ari.

"Pft- miss Ari looks hopeless" people started whispering in the ballroom and pointing at her.


Why do people support Aderi bullying Ari? Since these two are the most beautiful ladies in the kingdom. If Aderi's schemes succeeded in making Ari miserable and damaging her confidence or even killing her, she wouldn't be chosen to be the crown princess, the dead cannot be a princess after all.

The future crown princess must be strong and have high self-confidence and can help rule the crown prince. If Ari doesn't have that, it's one less lady out of the competition for the crown and the love of the crown prince.

And there's Lady Aderi Nova Lacita Callista, the most beautiful lady in the kingdom. The villainess, if she's so evil she won't be chosen to be a crown princess. Who wants a villainess to be the crown princess that will be the future queen anyway, right?

They are trying to eliminate the ladies that have the most potential to be the crown princess. Everyone wants to be the crown princess. Everyone wants their daughters to be the crown princess. Everyone wants to be part of the royal family.

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