Chapter 14

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"oh my...Miss Duncan wasn't fooling around when she said Lady Callista was her friend" one of the girls that were in the tea party started whispering around as the Callista's carriage stopped in the manor of the Duncan's

"Lady Aderi!" Ari said happily once the door opened, Aderi walked down the carriage with the help of the coachman.

"Good to see you again Lady Ari," Aderi said with a smile, Ari pulled Aderi into a hug which Aderi returned. Soon enough they pull out of the hug.

"Ah! Before I forget I bought you a present for hosting your first tea party, I heard it was your first" Aderi said with a smile, the coachman handed a small box and bouquets of yuscent to Aderi. She then gave it to Ari.

"Congratulations Lady Ari!" Aderi said happily. Ari was frozen in place, her eyes were watering with joy.

"Oh is indeed true that lady Callista calls Miss Duncan as 'lady'..." One of the girls whispered to each other.

"I heard that Lady Callista calls people with respect even if they don't have a high-ranking title," one of the girls said whispering.

"Can I open the box?" Ari asked as one of her maids took the bouquet of yuscent from Ari so she can open the box.

"Go ahead lady Ari, open it," Aderi said chuckling, Ari nodded her head happily.

Ari opened the gold ribbon that was holding the box together to keep the lid shut. She opened the lid and it revealed a beautiful diamond necklace. The chain was made out of gold while the pendant was made of diamond.

"Oh my! Lady Aderi this necklace is too beautiful! A-are you sure you are giving me something this valuable?!" Ari asked shocked at Aderi.

"Yes, of course, we are friends after all" Aderi said happily, a tear escaped from Ari's eyes, and she quickly covered her eyes with her hacker chief.

"Are you okay lady Ari?" Aderi asked. Ari nodded with a smile.

"Y-yes I am, I'm just very moved by your gift," Ari said with a big happy smile on her face as she whipped her tears.

"Thank you very much lady Aderi!" Ari said thanking Aderi, Aderi smiled.

"Anything for a friend" Aderi replied.

"T-then shall we go to the garden to start the tea party?" Ari asked Aderi. Aderi smiled and nodded.

Both of them started walking, the other girls also started following them.

On the way to the garden, the other girls were trying to manipulate Aderi into being their friend since being friends with the most powerful young lady has so many benefits.

The kingdom doesn't have any princesses, so the position of the most powerful young lady in the kingdom belongs to Aderi. She has beauty and elegance, right now they see her as the future queen due to that they see her as an enemy.

Aderi was of course aware of this, especially since two of the princes danced with her at the banquet.

"These girls won't stop complimenting me, I'm getting tired of answering them politely" Aderi thought to herself as she put a smile on her face while answering the girl's questions.

"Everyone, please...I know lady Aderi is indeed someone worthy of your attention, but please do keep in mind that she is getting uncomfortable with your questions and all, please let her enjoy the tea party without making her uncomfortable" Ari spoke as she noticed Aderi's smile was different, her smile was a discomfort one.

"AAAA ARI I REALLY LOVE YOU! THANK YOU FOR STANDING UP FOR ME!" aderi thought crying inside her mind happily, the girls backed away from Aderi a little as they all kept quiet.

Aderi speeds up her walk to be side to side-with Ari.

"Thank you for noticing and helping me Ari" Aderi whispered. Ari smiled happily.

"Glad I can help, if they ever make you feel uncomfortable again I'll kick them out," Ari said smiling, Aderi found this shocking cause she never expected that her rival in the original novel was willing to do that for her.

"oh my! Lady Aderi thanked me! Do I look red!? Keep it cool Ari keep it cool!" The calm and collected Ari was panicking inside, she took a glance at aderi who was still looking at her with a smile, Ari looked away instantly.

"E-everyone! We are here" Ari said announcing as she opened the door, there revealed the garden of the manor.

"Nice one Ari, keep it calm or else lady Aderi will see you as weird or creepy, you might make her uncomfortable!" Ari told herself as she continued walking to the garden.

"Please feel free to take a seat," Ari said as she sat in the middle where the host sits. Aderi sat beside Ari's right side. Ari again was now panicking inside.

"Lady Aderi sat next to me! Keep calm! Or else she'll think of you as weird" Ari told herself again as she imagined Aderi glaring at her with scared eyes.

Ari really admires Aderi since the day Aderi bumped into her. She was starstruck by Aderi's beauty. She even wished every night for her and Aderi to meet again. Her wish came true when she met Aderi at the banquet.


Soon the girls sat down and started talking, Aderi just sat there sipping tea since she didn't find the topic interesting.

"Lady Callista I heard you danced with both of the princes," one of the girls said.

"Yes, Indeed, I did dance with both of the royal highnesses" Aderi replied, the girls have huge smiles on their faces.

"Who among the two did you enjoy the dance with?" One of the girls asked, Aderi paused as she stayed silent trying to think.

"Lady Callista is thinking..." All of the girls could think was this while looking at the thinking Aderi.

"Caelias was mysterious and weird...he is also the one to execute Aderi, so... I don't like the feeling around him, Ronan is on the safer side, he didn't do anything to Aderi, he was respectful and he isn't someone with any contact to Aderi in the novel except when he and Aderi talked at her 18th birthday" Aderi though thinking to herself.

"I'd say, prince Ronan, he was respectful and gentle" Aderi replied, some of the girls squealed while some seem disappointed.

"I noticed that some of you seem disappointed with my answer?" Aderi asked as she took a sip of her tea.

"It's because some of us think that Prince Caelias was a better match for you" one of the girls answered as the girl pouted. Aderi on the other hand choked on her tea.

"Are you okay Lady Aderi?" One of the ladies asked, Aderi nodded.

"Y-yes...I am fine," Aderi said as she regain her composure.

"Was Prince Caelias rude perhaps?" One of the ladies asked, Aderi shook her head.

"He just seems mysterious and he seems to have a wall like he is hiding something," Aderi said answering truthfully, the ladies nodded.


The day proceeded normally and in the end, everyone had a good time.

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