Chapter 40 | End Of Volume One

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"Why isn't this working!" Jake asked himself frustrated trying to insert Andesine into the small hole. It's the stone that recharges the crystal balls. Currently, this stone is being banned in the kingdom because it's being used for these illegal devices.

"Damn it!" Jake said as he banged his hand on the table frustrated, he had already put 5 stones in the hole yet it wasn't recharging.

the small bottle of 'vitamins' fell from the table due to the impact. Jake turned to the bottle that rolled on the ground. he instantly picked it up and checked it for any damage.

"Phew...thank goodness the bottle didn't shatter, this is such important evidence for Aderi's case," Jake said as he sighed in relief as he put the vitamins down back on the table gently.

"What am I gonna do now?" Jake asked himself as he pulled a chair and sat down. his gaze turned back to the table. he thought of something but he sighed thinking it was just a silly hypothesis.

He opened the bottle of vitamins and took one pill before closing it back, he then picked up the crystal ball and tried to put the pill in the hole.

He inserted the pill and nothing happened, he sighed knowing it was some just silly idea that got in his head since he was frustrated. that is until the crystal glowed. meaning it has power again. Jake flinched at the sudden glow, and he frowned.

"How..."Jake mumbled as he look at the crystal ball in his hand. the stone that charges this kind of listening device didn't work but the pills did. he only can think of one solution.

"This corrects my suspicion...This is a modified version to only work with things that are infused with black magic" Jake mumbled as he closed the device by taping it once on the top.

He sat up and cleaned up his workspace before taking the crystal ball and taking it back to the infirmary.


"Caelias I figured it out!" Jake said as he opened the door, Caelias who was looking through the case file summary for the trial in 3 days looked up at Jake who just came in.

"Fill me in on the details," Caelias said as he closed the folder Jake closed the door behind him.

"it didn't work when I put andesine in-- but it did work when I put one of these vitamins inside," Jake said as he placed the crystal ball gently on the bedside table near Ari's bed.

"Black magic again I'm assuming?" Caelias asked with a distraught look, Jake nodded.

"This is troublesome," Caelias groaned as he stood up, he was upset at everything at the moment.

"what were you even reading anyway to put you in such a distraught mood?" Jake asked eyeing the folder Caelias is reading earlier.

"The case file summary was given to me earlier soon after you left," Caelias said as he gave the folder to Jake. he took it.

He started going through the case file summary and after reading the whole thing he too was furious.

"They are already making Aderi the guilty person here in the summary! and they are gonna post this on the town's post-board!?" Jake asked curiously as he looked at Caelias. Caelias nodded.

"Indeed...sadly I cannot do anything about it since I've already given up my succession to the throne," Caelias said as he sighed and walked to the door.

"You did what!?" Jake asked surprised.

"you've heard me loud and clear...I'll go to Aderi right away..." Caelias said as he opened the door, Jake just stood there as Caelias left the room.

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