Chapter 19

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Another two weeks passed and Leni came back to the Callista's manor.

"Duchess...we have some interesting news for you," one of her maids said as they were walking in the halls.

Right now they are helping her carry her stuff back to her room since she just came back.

She and Thomas don't share the same room, since Thomas doesn't seem to like sharing his personal space.

"What is it? Spill it out" Leni said as she continued walking.

"While you were away, the duke and Aderi are becoming closer..." The maid said whispering so no one will hear, Leni stopped. Her hands started sweating and her expression changed, from calm to panicked.

"How did the potion lose its effect?" Leni quickly asked.

"The duke's parents also visited, there was a commotion, they said the former duke Michael yelled at the duke," the maid said. Leni clenched her fist tightly.

"I told Thomas to take those vitamins daily! Quickly prepare a tea set! I need to resolve this...issue quickly" Leni said as she sped up her walk back to her chamber.

"As you wish, duchess," the maids said as one of them quickly went to the kitchen to prepare a tea set.

"This can't be! How can the spell break!? Aderi you witch, what did you do to your father...what exactly did you say!" Leni said panicked as she paced around the room biting her thumb.


A few minutes later a knock can be heard on her door.

"Duchess...your tea set is ready," the maid said, Leni let out a deep breath and opened her door.

"Is everything set? Also the new 'vitamins'?" Leni asked, the maid smirked and nodded.

"Yes, duchess," the maid said, Leni also smiled and took the tray from the maid.

"I'll head to my husband now...unpack my things," Leni said, the maid bowed.

"As you wish, duchess," the maid said, Leni quickly went to her husband's office.


"Come in," Thomas said after he heard a knock on his office door.

"I'm back dear" the door opened revealing Leni.

"Ah...welcome back, I apologize for not being able to greet you at the entrance, I'm busy with work," Thomas said apologizing not even looking up at her, Leni nodded.

"Perhaps tea will help you to finish your work faster...I bet you also miss my tea" Leni said as she put the tea set on a table on the side.

"Ah yes...perhaps tea will help," Thomas said as he continued reading the document he was reading.

Leni on the other hand started preparing the tea.

"I heard you are starting to get closer to...Aderi" Leni said as she continued making the tea.

"Yes, indeed...I started to realize I was wrong for how I was treating her...Although I don't know why I physically hurt her, I deeply regret it, especially since I don't know why I did it..." Thomas said with a confused tone. Leni frowned upon hearing those words. Indeed, it has lost its effects.

"Here is your tea dear...I put your vitamins in it too" Leni said Thomas nodded.

"I heard you didn't take the vitamins I always give you're stubborn!" Leni said disappointed.

"I apologize, without you serving me tea I didn't drink it," Thomas said as he took the teacup that was being offered to him.

"Father!" Aderi said opening the door.

"Ah are back," Thomas said with a smile as he put his teacup down, Aderi nodded.

"Can't you see we are busy Aderi!?" Leni snapped.

"Well, I had something important to discuss with my father" Aderi replied as she walked closer to her father.

"Leni let her be, she's my daughter after all. Aderi...did you receive it?" Thomas asked Aderi, Aderi nodded.

"Dear perhaps take a sip of the tea before you...continue your talk with her" Leni whispered, Thomas nodded.

"Father is that tea brewed by Duchess Leni herself?" Aderi asked before thomas can sip.

"Indeed" thomas replied.

"What are the ingredients in it?" Aderi asked, Thomas, pointed at the table to the side.

"It's right over there," Thomas said Aderi quickly went to the table, and Leni stepped away as Aderi went closer to where she was.

Aderi looked at the ingredients, and she saw a small has a label. 'vitamins'

"Father are you taking any-"

"Aderi what are you doing here in my office!? Get out!" Her father who was soft and calm now turned into an angry and frustrated man.

"Huh...father but-" Aderi who was surprised tried to say something but got caught off.

"Didn't you hear him? Get Out!" Leni said, Aderi glared at both of them before storming out of the room.

"Finally she's gone and Thomas's back to...normal" Leni thought to herself smirking while looking at the door that closed.


"What is going on? Father suddenly changed...what's happening, and what are these vitamins?" Aderi asked herself as she was leaning on her closed bedroom door.

She was wearing a long sleeve dress and due to that, she snuck the tiny glass bottle into her sleeve.

"What is this...' vitamins' shouldn't vitamins be taken every day? I didn't see him consume any when Leni was gone...this was also in the tray where the ingredients of the tea are...when father took a sip of the tea he changed...what does this all mean?" Aderi asked herself.

"Could this be...a drug?" Aderi asked herself looking intensely at the bottle.

"Hmm...if this is true I gotta know when he started taking this, and what does this contain..." Aderi said speaking to herself gripping the bottle in her hands.

"But right now...I have to worry about the meet-up tomorrow in the palace! Seeing my father change, he won't come with me...does seeking help from one of the princes a bad idea? But if I wanna know the content of these I have to ask one of them for help" Aderi said as she looked at the letter she was holding that she was supposed to give to her father just now. The letter was the reply of the king about the details for tomorrow.

"Could Lucas's theory be true?" Aderi asked herself again as she gripped the small bottle that was in her other hand.

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